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Who is the Most Dangerous Fascist?

Most American leftists are incoherent on the term fascism, and Democrats have utterly destroyed the word’s meaning.


{The Republicans have for the past several generations been vassals of Big Energy, while the Democrats are the favored party of Finance Capital, which now dominates all the capitalist sectors, including the mass media and high technology. Within the electoral duopoly Blacks have no option but the Democrats, while about half of whites choose the Republicans, the overtly White Man’s Party even before the advent of Trump, the rash interloper. However, the corporate duopoly works best for all sectors of capital when the duopoly parties play “tag team,” periodically exchanging the reins of executive power with the least disruption to the capitalist order. {This is what they used to call the “genius” of the system.)}

{Imagining fascism in cartoon terms personified by Trump, leftish Americans appear to believe that anti-Trump equals anti-fascist, when in fact Trump represents a Jim Crow atavism that the Lords of Capital have been trying to discard for half a century, in order to exercise power more effectively. They have, instead, been constructing a 21st century fascist order in which a tiny number of billionaires can rule without effective opposition, while much of the world is locked in a forced “Race to the Bottom” and all of humanity lives in terror of endless U.S. warfare.}

{President Obama was an operative of that fascism – which is no cartoon, and kills millions. So are all the corporate Democrats. They are the most dangerous because so few people conceive of them as fascists, despite their abject subservience to corporate dictatorship, the carceral state, and endless warfare. We will beat Trump, for the simple reason that he does not represent the actual capitalist ruling class. The oligarchy wants him beaten – and they want us to thank them for pursuing their own interests, and getting rid of their own problem: the kind of service that oligarch Michael Bloomberg performs when he buys control of the Democratic Party’s infrastructure and purchases the loyalty of a substantial section of the Black political (misleadership) class.}

Those are quite revealing sections of the article. Personally though, I view Trump as just another player in the chess game. Who has a long history of budding up within the democratic party. I'm fairly certain that the 2 decade long warring going on in the middle east needed a major distraction for both establishment parties, as it has faltered into an unending chaos with absolutely no success, now known to be built on lies and not winnable within agendas spoken.

To create this distraction using Trump, as many have admitted, he was placed in the republican party where he could draw out and use the hoard of fascist and nationalist for a support system. As you should have learned or feel a sense of my Greg Palast post here, the democratic party helped with this victory by vastly helping to purge voters from the election in 2016 as another agenda arose needing to get rid of Sanders. I have little mind towards the ruling class being at odds. They all have come out as winners no matter who's right about what's gone down since 2016.

{If there is any coup-making in November, it will be on the Democrat’s behalf. And lots of folks that call themselves leftists will cheer, imagining the CIA as an ally in the fight against "fascism.”}

That is the day that solidifies----

“We’ll know when our disinformation program is complete, when everything the American public believes is false,” Casey said at Reagan’s first staff meeting in early February 1981, according to Barbara Honegger, assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to Reagan, who was there. This is a chilling statement when considering how corporate media in the U.S., in their national security and foreign affairs reporting, have essentially become mouthpieces for the intelligence agencies, who routinely launder disinformation through big media.

And the flood gates can be opened for them to proceed with anything they deem necessary knowing the American people are in total compliance. Those that support the republican party within todays actions and the past 3 years especially have already passed that test and fallen into compliance. They have blissfully given up any real right to even mention the constitution or their rights within the compliance they have shown especially since they've given support to and still support Trump today. But as they are so entrapped in the tribalism of politics they have become blind to their own imprisonment.

William_Mary 8 July 25
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When I tell people both parties are fascist, they look at me like I have 5 heads.


Pick your billionaire.

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