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Congress of millionaires robs the unemployed


{The cutoff of supplemental benefits is not the byproduct of “gridlock” in Washington or the unintended consequence of election-year conflicts between Democrats and the Trump administration, as the corporate media presents it. This is a deliberate policy.}

{The figures cited above, however, demonstrate the lying character of the claims that “there is no money” to provide necessary support to allow workers and their families to survive without being forced back into workplaces that would quickly become focal points of a deadly infectious disease.}

Here comes the forced herd immunity.

{Resources aplenty exist, created by the labor of workers. There could be no more fitting disposition of these resources than to confiscate them from the capitalists and put them to use to ensure the survival of the principal productive class in modern society, the proletariat.

To fight for such a perspective, workers must break with the two parties of big business, the Democrats and Republicans, and establish their political independence. The working class must build its own political party, based on a revolutionary socialist program aimed at putting an end to the profit system. This means joining and building the Socialist Equality Party.}

It was once spoken that it was never meant for the people to support corporations. It was once spoken that corporations had a responsibility to provide citizens a decent job, make a good product safe for use within society, and be profitable. You can't have this when corporations own your government. And they not only own our government, they are our government. They not only own our government, but also own the media that is collaborate in their scheme. They are the media. And they pay public relation groups well to create the propaganda message so so many become conditioned within.

Socialism works well for them, for you it's----fuck off. We are merely the battery for their labor and an ocean of animals to feed off of. Time for you to decide what type of socialism it is you're willing to support. Continue supporting their oligarch and state run communism, or exit their 2 party crime family and support Marxist socialism built on the backs of the working class and real democracy.

William_Mary 8 Aug 5
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I totally agree that both parties in the US are crooked as a bent screw. However, Marxist socialism in Russia has been corrupted similarly. The fight against bad government has raged for eons. Humanity may not be able to eliminate it; too many are confused by the lies of politicians. Nonetheless, I am committed to change for the betterment of mankind.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 5, 2020

Corrupted indeed. You need to spend some time at WSWS learning the history of the Russian revolution. Russia isn't any type of socialist country today, it's a capitalist country today. It's no longer USSR, it's simply Russia now. Thanks to Reagan and Bill Clinton. The Marxist socialist were betrayed shortly after the 1917 revolution losing control to the bourgeoisie nationalist. This is an often misinformation propaganda tactic of western governments attempting to place this label (bourgeoisie) on Marxist as they create a failed attempt by Marxist revolutions through interventions to change. This same scenario played out throughout Europe in the early 20th century also, not just in Russia. The results as you might see today are the people fighting back against the austerity measures being placed on them in those European countries in which the bourgeoisie have managed to capture and maintain a degree of control over the decades.

@William_Mary i am not a historin, but Russia hasn't been Marxist since Lenin, AFAIK. The USSR was totalitarian, regardless of their propaganda, as Russia is today. However, the OP was not about history, or was it?


grist for the mill is all we are.

Donna_I Level 8 Aug 5, 2020

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