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97,000 kids test positive for COVID-19 in two weeks, report says


{Nearly 100,000 children tested positive for the coronavirus in the last two weeks of July, a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics finds. Just over 97,000 children tested positive for the coronavirus from July 16 to July 30, according to the association.}

{Out of almost 5 million reported COVID-19 cases in the U.S., CBS News' Michael George reports that the group found that more than 338,000 were children.}

{More than 25 children died of the coronavirus in July alone. Pressure to get kids back into the classroom has left superintendents in more than 13,000 different school districts across the country to figure out how to keep children safe amid a myriad of public health advisories, and handle learning differences.}

Yet again, the fury of an inadequate, incompetent government putting the responsibilities of our children's lives in the hands of those who are most likely not properly trained or educated to be such.

Over 250 quarantined in Georgia district after first week of school


{More than 250 students and teachers from one Georgia school district are now quarantined, just one week into the new school year. Multiple teachers and students across the district's schools have tested positive for COVID-19 after classes resumed Monday.}

!Go back to work! Send you children into a disease ridden environment. Where do you go with this? You're taking a chance of getting sick while now forced to send your children into an environment to become sick. If your child becomes sick do you get to take off from work to look after the child without fear of losing your job? Or continue working hoping for the best? It will happen---both become sick. It will happen----one or both end in death.

{Hightower said that the district is taking extra steps to remain transparent, including updating weekly current case totals and sharing as much detail as possible about positive cases.}

If you don't realize by now that transparency means---not likely---you haven't been paying attention very well. There's not a chance in hell any school district or city of is going to volunteer any information that can lead to them being held accountable that pertains to health and or death potential law suits. We are dealing with people who are over their heads in a disease that even specialist have little certainties of yet. As a matter of fact, these articles even project that this is pretty much a lab rat scenario message to them if you read between the lines, capable of free thinking. Transparent in this arena means ----- only if and when the outcomes we couldn't foresee rear their ugly heads and we didn't manage to cover up our incompetence and ignorances.

There's a very good reason so many teachers are fighting this return to school. They don't want this on their conscience or in their own families.

Lets examine this a moment. How are you doing with wearing a mask?

I recently went to the bank where they wanted me to turn over my Home Equity Loan as it was nearing its end life. This required coming into the bank to sign papers so we had to wear mask. This guy sat across from me constantly adjusting his mask while touching multiple objects, several pieces of the contract, and leaving the room at least a couple of times to get information I was requiring from another in another room. The guy was anxious as fuck. Does he keep his mask on in his office when alone? Has he blown droplets all over his desk I was sitting at? The pin he handed me to use? How about the person he kept visiting? Same questions.

I know from experience that at each yard of ours I visit in a day the personal in the offices I see aren't wearing their mask in trust of each other.

How do you think these kids are going to properly conduct safe mask procedures? Especially, say, first graders to somewhere in middle school. Rebellious high schoolers? Raised by trumpsters?

William_Mary 8 Aug 9
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I wish they had broken the number down by whether the person was symptomatic or not, if they developed symptoms, and if so which ones as there seems to be different versions of the virus.

Donna_I Level 8 Aug 9, 2020

Yes and how many will be left permanently damaged.

@rogerbenham that as well!

@Donna_I Your media may well be keeping quiet about Covid in Canada and particularly in British Columbia where I live. Up until a couple of weeks ago, we'd had only 64 cases (all recovered) in the northern 2/3rds of the province where I live and BC as a whole was doing better than anywhere in Canada. Quite an achievement considering the fact that the first Covid cases were just a few miles south of the border in WA. But of course, the invincible 20 to 40 year olds couldn't stand the lockdown and once there was easing up they threw precautions to the wind and several parties happened. So today the majority of new cases are in that age range and the numbers of those over 50 are dropping. What I am wondering is when will enough young people get permanent damage that that group of society starts worrying about getting the virus. Until then herd immunity is going to be a dream.

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