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The recession is over for the rich, but the working class is far from recovered


{“The stock market isn’t the economy. The economy is production and jobs, and there are shortfalls in virtually every sector of the economy,” Yellen said in an interview with The Washington Post.}

Personally I find this to be a contradictory statement. If the economy is production and jobs which dictates how the market fairs, then doesn't this all correlate with each other? Doesn't Marx's theory of "means of production" also support my confusion as to why Yellen would make such a statement? He then mentions "shortfalls" which as I stated, effect how the market fairs.

In the beginning of this virus these shortfalls came due to a lack of social participation (quarantine) according to reports. Along with supply chains being interrupted for a time, and main street being shut down, markets dropped. What I ask then brought the markets back to near record highs. Well the answer is quite simple. Society and main street did as these 2 entities reopened. You simply can't have any one social aspect of this and not relate them to the whole as a benefit to society. In this case the obvious beneficial aspect being the wealthy, opposite of Marx's theory of "means of production" for the entire society. Which is why I figure Yellen might want to deceptively separate the components.

Another deception I see is the claim of near record highs in the market being falsely propagandized again also, which also builds on my observance. I've been warning of a economic collapse for quite some time now as the FED has been printing money to mask this fake record high market in the past. To a point they are even buying corporate debt to cover it up, something never done before. We and main street have been used towards this latest market plunge recovery under the disguise of PPP in several trillions again being handed to those who own and run this failed market system.

{fueling a 50 percent gain in the stock market since March and a surge in home and car buying.}

Who the hell is buying homes and cars during such a questionable time as now? As you read on it's obvious that it isn't likely many of us are. If it is, we're in a larger rabbit hole of risk taking loans.

{It’s a similar tale in housing. Families with jobs and savings are taking advantage of the lowest mortgage rates in U.S. history — below 3 percent — to buy bigger homes at bargain rates. Home purchases are up more than 20 percent, and refinancing is up nearly 50 percent from a year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.}

Beware the propaganda! Just a month ago I shared a video of a Rick Sanchez show were he had a real estate tycoon on stating that home sells were down. The type of people making moves were those with the ability to move out of congested cities to suburban areas out of fear of the virus.

{White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow suggested Wednesday that the recovery is going so well that the economy may not need much more aid from the federal government.}

In other words. Fuck you. What if I told you this is all propaganda manufactured by public relation firms designed to condition us into believing all is well again as the next group of citizens move into poverty and or dire times? When was the last time you were able to be confident of information coming from the Trump administration, while our DC representation is on summer break none the less, silent in collaboration?

{“We are entering what I think is a self-sustaining economic recovery,” Kudlow said on Fox Business. “A rising tide does lift all boats.”}

Self sustaining!?! Fucking please!?!

😟 Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers issued a report Thursday highlighting that poverty probably declined in the spring because of the $1,200 stimulus checks and extra unemployment funding Congress and the White House approved. 😟

They're already attempting to erase the effects and lead us blissfully into ignoring those who are and will fall through the cracks. Their trails will in time be blamed on themselves for where they fall. And many will look past them as they do a homeless person on the streets of no fault of their own, but because of the system around them.

{Now that those funds for struggling families have stopped, many economists predict a rapid rise in evictions, bankruptcies and vehicle repossessions — as well as a hit to the overall economy as spending slows.}

!If Trump manages to get payroll taxes erased, you'll have to pay that back when you do your taxes at the end of the year!

William_Mary 8 Aug 14
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It is even greater than this. Trump has already said that if he is re-elected he will dismantle Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid next year. His method is in doing away with payroll taxes by Executive Order. Surprise ! If this is done you have no Social Security and the needed programs die off. Even a 401K started at birth would not produce enough money to take care of your medical needs. What about mom and dad, grandma and grandpa -- or even yourself? Someone needs to stop this maniac.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 14, 2020

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