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Why Capitalism is in Constant Conflict With Democracy


{To solve capitalism’s political problem, capitalists as a small social minority must craft alliances with other social groups. Those alliances must be strong enough to defuse, deter, or destroy any and all emerging employee majorities that might threaten capitalists’ interests or their systems’ survival. The smaller or weaker the capitalist minorities are, the more the key alliance they form and rely upon is with the military.}

What professor Wolff is referring to here are the Giants who rule the world. This Abby Martin interview with Peter Phillips explains how this works. The article above is basically Wolff attempting to explain the differences between capitalism and Marx's theory of The Means of Production. This article and Abby's interview go hand in hand to form a great learning experience. The video is well worth the 22 minutes of your time in learning how we are swimming in a sea of propaganda that oppresses us from knowing the reality of our existence. How the main stream media is being used against us. Why capitalism is failing us within a projected agenda serving and benefiting only the ruling class. How they keep us trapped in a failed 2 party system in the US.

{For the progressives inside and outside the Democratic Party, a major choice looms. Many have felt it.

On the other hand, progressives will be tempted by their own growth to break from the two-party alternation that keeps capitalism hegemonic. Instead, progressives could then open up U.S. politics so that the public would have greater free choice: an anti-capitalist and pro-socialist party competing against the two traditional pro-capitalist parties.

Capitalism’s political problem arose from its intrinsically undemocratic juxtaposition of an employer minority and an employee majority. The contradictions of that structure clashed with universal suffrage. Endless political maneuvers around hegemonic blocs with alternative sections of the employees allowed capitalism to survive. However, eventually those contradictions would exceed the capacity of hegemonic maneuvers to contain and control them. A pandemic combined with a major economic crash may provoke and enable progressives to make the break, change U.S. politics, and realize the long-overdue social changes.}

Breaking these chains will require a mass exodus of the ruling class 2 party establishment. Facing reality we are stuck within their rule for another 4 years no matter who wins this next election. To battle against this purposeful worldwide killing field we must begin to prepare for 2024 now by supporting the Socialist Equality Party. []

Giants: Who Really Rules The World?

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Aug 17
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I watched this about a week ago and have no doubt that what he says is totally true. The very wealthy have not the remotest understanding of what poverty is like. How many on this site have? We know that some ridiculously large percentage of the world live on a dollar or less a day yet that is impossible in our world so how they manage we have no concept.

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