Response To Trump Covid Diagnosis Shows His ‘Opposition’ Always Saw Him As Part Of The Club
The Joe Biden campaign is reportedly taking down all negative ads against the US president due to his recent positive test for Covid-19.
Well isn't that a great show of empathy. I'd say you can't make this shit up, but they make this shit up. Maybe Michelle Obama can take him some candy now. I told you all a day like this would come, I just didn't think it would be so soon. I figured it would be at one of those club meetings when all serving presidents were present after his term/s.
{If you ever had any doubt that Democrats will one day regard Trump the way they now regard George W Bush, you can set that doubt aside.
As George Carlin famously said, it’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.}
Thursday I did get off work early and watched my recording of the debate. While I made notes to do a post on it, it seems useless now with current events. No, I have no empathy for Trump. Or Biden at that. None at all. He played his cards, on all of us, now he's had to go all in. The question now is, does he win and get another chance to take more of us down, or does he lose while we're still going down with him. You might see a correlating ending result in that statement that I've often reverberated in this group. No matter what and or how, we always end up losing to these asshats running the game. Establishment party lines have absolutely no empathy or respect for us. We're not in their club.
{The responses to Trump’s diagnosis from the liberal political/media class show that they’ve never actually been afraid of Trump. In fact, what they have been afraid of is you.}
What they're afraid of is us actually pulling ourselves out of the rabbit hole they've created with conditioning propaganda and uniting behind the youth of this nation who want a more socialistic sense of governing that actually serves all of us as a whole nation. Not the ruling class elite who have been running rabid over us since 2007 hoarding every penny they can get their greedy sticky fingers on. At the cost of millions of innocent lives around the world also since 2001. Their manufactured wars built on lies weren't making them enough so they had to start manipulated the market too.
Now they are attempting to condition you into a sense of guilt for all the bad thoughts you had towards Trump, the republicans, and each group who support either of those 2 entities, or both. You don't really think they think any of this congress of people are going to change their colors over Trump's illness, do you? Johnstone then goes into the very same thought pattern I just typed out. Actually what is going on here is the very same analogy I came up with on the debate. So hold that thought.
My notes on the debate which only those who managed to watch it all might get. Being I'm not going into detail now due to current events.
Small crowd with no social distancing--some wearing mask---some not.
Fact check crew made up of other corporate media pundits.
Despite rules Hallie Jackson (Chef White House Correspondent) laid out as accurate as could be how debate would go before it would even start. I noticed her comments pre-debate from reports I heard on NPR 2 days ahead of time. So this pre-debate commentary of hers was easy to pick up on. In other words. It was preordained to go the path. We all know how Trump is, but Biden added the same structure, and the moderator never really attempted to control it.
Pre-debate comment was made that this race so far has been stable. !The only stable part of this race has been on the republican side! And that is based on the fact that Trump didn't have any real opposition to force the public viewing of a clown show of 2016. !Which became the democrats purposeful agenda this cycle! It's been so fucking unstable it has effected the entire god dam country. Am I the only one who sees and hears what happening around the country!?! Is this not also a symptom of this race? And what's been happening in the media for months is stable!?! I'm fairly certain this article is a narrative towards explaining the unstable atmosphere we've been dealt for months. When the media attempts to erase their actions.
Biden struggles to talk and keep on point. Often looking confused. Tongue tied. Biden started out the debate using Hillieary Clinton stare down. Which didn't last long as Trump started kicking his ass. About this time I realized that with 1 or 2 more face tucks Biden could actually look even more like Joan Rivers.
Biden claimed he would have left society open for the sake of the economy. This contradicts his opposition to Trump's handling and then contradicts himself. You can't leave the areas of society open he spoke of and contain the virus at the same time. You have to shut down to properly prepare these places for the public to visit or work in. Biden's views are to serve the elite as he also denounces them.
At points Biden spoke to the moderator like he was a child.
More fake economy talk by Trump. It was great-virus down-now it's great again. No economy that has been manipulated by injecting invisible money can be viewed as great. Biden shares in this crime as he opposes Trump speak claiming he and Obama had a better economy. Each share in this manufactured illusion.
Trump totally won the family feud. Every time Trump went into the Ukraine aspect on Biden's son the moderator shut it down. The only attempt the moderator allowed Trump a moment was when he brought up the 3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow to Biden's son. Biden quickly changes the subject and addresses comments towards the people looking into the camera. Moderator never forces the issue again giving Biden a pass. Biden denies Ukraine charge by Trump about having a prosecutor fired. I've posted that video of Biden bragging about this at least 2 times. So the only question to this now is, which time is Biden lying?
Biden should actually thank Trump. About every time Biden began his worse tongue tied stuttering Trump took to saving him by interrupting. It was almost like he was helping Biden. All Trump did was throw out a quick sarcastic remark which gave Biden a breath to continue. At points it looked like Biden was clearly shaken and needed a breath. Especially during the family feud.
Alright, some of these needed some injection of commentary. Call me Trump if it makes you happy. Or Biden. !Fuck you!
If I had to put a winner on this, Trump is it. With that said, we all lost. But it was a great debate. It went exactly how it was suppose to go. It erased 28 years of issues that should have been discussed. 16 prior years of the 8 years of the Obama administration and the better part of Trump's 4 years. The current status of the US is a reflection of national policies, especially the economy, that began under the Clinton administration. Within foreign policies we can go back to the Carter administrations, especially within perpetual warring that lead with interference in Afghanistan leading to worldwide terrorism. The injection of Clinton's neo-liberal politics that coat tailed on Reagan's trickle down policies, and McCain's handling of the S&L scandal have all reverberated to today. Crime laws and attacks on unions and the working class all lost in this debate. As far as the mention of protest and white supremacy went in the debate, neither one of these asshats had a right to judge the other being both have played a major role in feeding this horrible issue as it is today. There wasn't any resemblance of sincere debate on any issue we face as a country today.
One more comment. The moderator, Chris Wallace. It went exactly how it was suppose to go. Have no doubt about it. Chris Wallace is on the top tier of wage earners in journalism and reporting. He is a champion of the corporate owned media who serves and most likely helps manufacture the propaganda that public relation firms create for those owners. Wallace is known for his tough and wide ranging interviews, for which he is often compared to his father, 60 Minutes journalist Mike Wallace. He is a Manchurian candidate like figure to the forth estate that is now used against us. If you think he couldn't have possibly ran this debate any better and supplied it with a more informative nature, you're simply conditioned to miss this observation. This debate was a total insult to our intelligence. More so than all those in 2016 put together.
If you have been following this group for long, or extensively since your arrival, and can relate or conceive to its narrative, you should be asking others this. What did you expect? A debate over who's administration has conducted crimes and unethical practices more effectively without prosecution for the benefit of the ruling class? Because each of these asshats have plenty of ammunition at their disposal to expose the other administration for failures to produce for the people in this country. And worldwide crimes and unethical practices. Many of our own and worldwide are no longer with us due to this shit show that insults us all.
Already preparing for 2024 "Out Of The Illusion " Group.
I did not watch the debate. All the little niggly naggly things moving around the edges of my thinking came into focus while reading your post.
Right now I'm not even sure I believe trump really has COVID-19. The announcement, the helio flight to hospital, who is in charge, etc. sucks all the attention away from Biden (BFD right?). FUCKKKKKKKKKK I loathe this shit show. I'll just go back to watching cat and cute animal videos .
Mary said the same thing about his contraction being fake. Seriously though there are a few scenarios that could be playing out here. You know how I am, they're always several steps ahead of us.
He really has it as reports coming out are on a significant amount of people in the white house have also, and a gathering in the rose garden recently. They're basically claiming the white house is now a factory farm for the virus. We're talking about Trump. He made his mark and quite frankly has already accomplished his goal, the ruling classes agenda, and wants to get back to his lavish lifestyle. Really the only thing left for Trump to do is to start another full fledge war.
Who could we actually start such without causing an extensive death rate and considerable damage to the planet? Not China or Russia.
Iran? Which would probably unite the entire Arab population with Iran over another US presence in the region at this point. I can see about every Arab nation in a state of massive protest except maybe the 2 or 3 riches states already in bed with the capitalist which are fueling the Yemen war. And lets not forget about northern Africa which is probably now growing tired of our military and CIA presence there and the several mini wars they have going on. Which include and involve a significant amount of Muslims.
Venezuela? Who has actually been slowly getting verbal support from around the world to end sanctions, as has Cuba, as the ludicrous attempts to overthrow their government have been exposed to the scandals and lies of opposition. Even the 2 main opposition parties have taken up talks with the government over the past few months and denounced their false prophet.
I think it's safe to say European countries have their hands full with their own protest and civil unrest over multiple issues that they aren't going to risk attempting to back up any major US war efforts any time soon. They definitely don't want one in their immediate area, the middle east, where it would gravely impact these issues and exacerbate the immigrant issues already there.
So maybe we're getting ready to just hand the office over to Joe?
Or ironically Trump's health conditions along with his narcist ways take him out. It's going to be real hard for Trump to turn this into a positive now. To publicly reverse his views on the virus if he makes it out of this would mean losing voters without ramping up the racists calls. Or he just acts like it never happened.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.