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‘Sleepy Joe’s’ Task Is to Put Liberal America Back to Sleep


{Not that that should provoke any kind of celebration. The rest of the world’s population, future generations, the planet itself – none of us had a vote – were always going to be the losers whichever candidate won.}

{But after four years of Trump and in the midst of a pandemic, the idea of sleeping through the next presidential term probably sounded pretty appealing to liberals. Most of them have spent their whole political lives asleep.}

{They grew enraged by the symptom of their corrupt political system rather than by the corrupt system itself. For them, “Sleepy Joe” was just what the doctor ordered.}

{Failure does not inspire these camps to seek change, it makes them cling all the more desperately to their failed strategies, to attach themselves even more frantically and fervently to their perceived tribe.

That is why this U.S. election – at a moment when the need for real, systemic change is more urgent, more evident than ever before – produced not just one but two of the worst presidential candidates of all time. We are looking at exactly what happens when a whole society not only stops growing but begins to putrefy.}

Chris Hedges: American Requiem

If there is one group that deserves our deepest contempt it is the liberal elites, those who posture as the moral arbiters of society while abandoning every value they purportedly hold the moment they become inconvenient. The liberal class, once again, served as pathetic cheerleaders and censors for a candidate and a political party that in Europe would be considered on the far-right.


{The promises of the fascists are fantastic and unrealistic, but their critiques of the liberal class are grounded in truth. Once the liberal class ceases to function, it opens a Pandora’s box of evils that are impossible to contain.}

{The disease of Trumpism, with or without Trump, is, as the election illustrated, deeply embedded in the body politic. It is an expression among huge segments of the population, taunted by liberal elites as “deplorables,” of a legitimate alienation and rage that the Republicans and the Democrats orchestrated and now refuse to address. This Trumpism is also, as the election showed, not limited to white men, whose support for Trump actually declined.}

{The hypocrisy of the Underground Man dooms Russia as it now dooms the United States. It is the fatal disconnect between belief and action.}

{Populations can endure the repression of tyrants, as long as these rulers continue to effectively manage and wield power. But human history has amply demonstrated that once those in positions of power become redundant and impotent, yet retain the trappings and privileges of power, they are brutally discarded.}

William_Mary 8 Nov 7
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I'll be shocked if the BLM movement doesn't go to sleep, along with the liberals, under a Biden presidency. I remember how Obama crushed the Occupy movement very quietly and stealthily, while increasing the drone killings, selling us out on healthcare reform, and helping Wall Street steal more from us and make the rich richer while everyone else got poorer. The liberals also have ignored the treatment of Assange and will do even more so under Biden. Our troops will remain in Iraq and Afghanistan. Biden will talk about stopping climate change, but not do anything about it. He also won't do anything about student debt or increasing the min. wage, or paid sick leave. And then in four years, the working class whites will again feel angered and betrayed enough to vote for any Repub prez candidate rather than Harris or whatever neoliberal corporatist the Dems nominate. And next time the Repub candidate will be even worse than Trump, but they will still win. Only a viable third party that threatens the Dems will ever change this.

It would be ironic if Trump ran again in 2024 and won.

@William_Mary He won't. He'll be too busy trying to deal with his legal problems, I hope. What Dem centrists need to realize and pay attention to is the fact that, with the exception of Biden, most Dems did not do well this election against the Repubs, both on the state and national level. The country stayed just about as red as four years ago. What they should take from that is not that Trump's defeat means the Dem's message is working, that the party is making headway with the white working class or any other positive signs. It simply means that Americans, a slim majority, were finally just sick enough of Trump to vote against him, not that they were voting for Dems or Biden because they thought they are much better than Repubs. Biden's win should be recognized more as if his ballot spot read None Of The Above, rather than Biden or Dem Party. But you'll never get a Biden supporter, a centrist Dem, a liberal, or the corporate media to admit any of that.


I believe someone once said: Democracy is the worst system of government except for every other system we have tried.
We don't really have a democracy any way with the electoral college making the final choice. Not every vote counts to the same degree. 140 million + people voted and we are again being held hostage by vote counts in a few states that wouldn't allow for changes in the tabulation rules for a bleeding pandemic!
I am even more disappointed that Mitch and Lindsey are getting additional time in congress after all the crap they have pulled.

Donna_I Level 8 Nov 7, 2020

You might find these articles of interest then.



@William_Mary The electorial college has out lived its any usefulness it may have had in my opinion. the orange toddler is proof enough of that. Bush at least pretended civility when he stole it from Gore all those years ago.
I would love to see mitch have to step down if Georgia goes Dem.

@Donna_I well 2 years of holding all 3 houses under Obama's first term didn't do anything for us then. I highly doubt 2 years now would be any different. I'll go out on the limb to say that's all it will last again this time also the way the republicans won so many seats back in congress. And as Joseph Kishore pointed out in the one article, Graham already has intensions of dictating Biden's administration placements. While still supporting Trump's attempts to steal the election. This is coming from a guy who seemingly had a ruffled relationship with Trump as part of his cabinet, was fired, then went on to support Trump in every means with no hesitation. This really shows how programed the true agenda in DC is.

Graham isn't the senate Whip and has managed over his career to be as powerful as McConnell. Also having the very sense of being as fascistic as Trump, just not as blatant of it. He's been evasively questioned about it on multiple occasions. Whether McConnell is any longer Whip or not he will still wield the same power structure and fascistic sense as the other 2. One thing history has proven without a doubt, when democrats rule any house the republicans use methods to stifle anything they pretend to want, and when in power the republicans get what they want. Anything else is a deceitful show of coexistence while they each support the worse aspects of damage to both ours and the world society and the people here and abroad.

Quite frankly, I don't see any reason to have a president in this arena of governance any longer with the actions we get from the senate and congress now. Let me restate that---Graham already has intensions of dictating Biden's administration placements. So then what is the purpose of having a president? If the president is restricted from setting the motions of the country for the people who voted him or her in by 2 other structures that were meant to be mere checks of power, who's checking them? Now add in the fact that for several decades now our presidents fill their administrations with their corporate owners so that they can assure their partners in crime on wall street and abroad that nothing will fundamentally change. Straight out of the horses mouth, Joe Biden.

The other day he ended a speech with "god bless our troops." We're at the ending of an election cycle? Why not god bless America? But out of deep center field we get god bless our troops!?! !Hold on to your children and grandchildren! What the hell is on these peoples minds!?!

BTW--the electoral collage never really was meant to have a serious usefulness. I guess you didn't read the article?

@William_Mary O got the A.C.A. passed (love it hate it) and tried to make it a bipartisan bill ( the old school Reb worked their level best to make sure that never happened) which was more than T managed officially - who knew heath care was complicated. 😒 The Reb. bitched and moaned and voted for 6 years(now 10) and I have yet to here much about their fabulous plan replacement for the stupid thing.
The intent of the electoral college was to pick a president without giving anyone to much power. It made a buch of rich old men slighly less paranoid
and got the constitution signed. so what ever.

@Donna_I well you also have to consider that the healthcare industry played the largest roll of stagnation in any real sense of a good healthcare plan being developed. Being both parties answer to them and allowed them to dictate and write it. And Obama knew that going into it. So single payer never had a hope in hell. It was a deceptive perception used to kick start a transfer of cost onto certain citizens in which the industry also used to mask the substantial cost hikes that came with the new system. Our healthcare never seen such a drastic hike in cost as that period brought in. This is how and why some employers, such as mine, managed to justify dropping their healthcare programs to cut cost and then bring them back a few years later once the dust settled. Once those who were literally shit on, as I was for 4 years, getting back the company program saving me a slight amount was to seem worthy. I went into a 400% increase in the initial year and now approximately down 100% now that we have a program back. While remaining worker programs seen lower hikes it created lower concerns within their gradual increments to dull the senses into acceptance. The nation as a whole was basically hood winked into an agenda of a blissful bailout of the failing healthcare industry. All this while they were conducting mergers that included cutting staff resulting in shuts downs under the scheme of profits that left us with a failed reaction to this virus decimating our population in deaths.

@William_Mary The whole cluster is a mess. we can't burn it to the ground so how to fix it now. How do remove profit from medicine? Do we put caps on drug prices? (I say yes) Do we balance a mandate for a capped upfront pricing with a limit on liability lawsuits and a public system of reviewing your providers paid liabilty claims so you can make an informed choice? Put limits on the quacks making false claims! Do we fix the food whatever shape it is now to help people be healthier and figure out why these things are happenings?


The entire political spectrum has shifted to the Right thanks to Reagan and Thatcher. Our news is served from whatever corporation's viewpoint and/or Rupert Murdoch. Schools in the US fail to teach critical reasoning and most people have no interest in exploring further than the sound bytes they are fed. We've destroyed the planet but the stock market matters more?!

MizJ Level 8 Nov 7, 2020

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