What President Biden Won’t Touch
After all, in the election campaign just past, Donald Trump’s sweeping war-peace rhetoric and Joe Biden’s hedging aside, neither nuclear-code aspirant bothered to broach the most uncomfortable questions about America’s uniquely intrusive global role. Neither dared dissent from normative notions about America’s posture and policy “over there,” nor challenge the essence of the war-state, a sacred cow if ever there was one.
{As the election neared, it became impolite to play the canary in American militarism’s coal mine or risk raising Biden’s record — or probable prospects — on minor matters like war and peace. After all, his opponent was a monster, so noting the holes in Biden’s block of Swiss cheese presumably amounted to useful idiocy — if not sinister collusion — when it came to Trump’s reelection. Doing so was a surefire way to jettison professional opportunities and find yourself permanently uninvited to the coolest Beltway cocktail parties or interviews on cable TV.}
That which should have mattered most was totally overlooked and ignored within a conditioning cry of Trump at all cost across every aspect of social media available. This perception management stifled any sense of consideration for a 3rd party, knowledge of them, and intellectual thought to the coming results it will produce. Even the Green Party's own candidate, Howie Hawkins, fell hook line and sinker into the false Russiagate narrative. And he and the GP as a whole failed miserably towards promoting his own run. In which Jill Stein claims she had to challenge him on his comments towards that false narrative, using herself as an example of how one can be drawn into a fake narrative with Russia.
{One thing is already far too clear: Biden’s shadow national security team will be a distinctly status-quo squad. To know where future policymakers might head, it always helps to know where they came from. And when it comes to Biden’s foreign policy crew, including a striking number of women and a fair number of Obama administration and Clinton 2016 campaign retreads — they were mostly in Trump-era holding patterns in the connected worlds of strategic consulting and hawkish think tanking.}
In other words. While you think we are getting a new president with a different view on foreign policies, you're actually getting the same people in a new administration that were working in the background under the old president. They're all just changing titles and incomes again. A couple to few years of peanuts will be well worth the rewards that come later. Rinse. Recycle. Repeat.
{It helps as well to follow the money. In other words, how did the Biden bunch make it and who pays the outfits that have been paying them in the Trump years? None of this is a secret: their two most common think-tank homes — CNAS and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) — are the second- and sixth-highest recipients, respectively, of U.S. government and defense-contractor funding. The top donors to CNAS are Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and the Department of Defense. Most CSIS largesse comes from Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Raytheon. }
I rest my case. More proof follows as you read on. We will get virtually the same correlations when the economic team is revealed also. This is a rinse recycle repeat strategy that's been occurring for at least 5 decades now that most people continue to be duped into voting for. As new technologies come forth a few new names and companies will emerge. As new ponzi schemes and loop holes are designed a few new names will emerge. But virtually they'll all filter in and out of administrations of both parties. Party affiliation has no value, is no value, to them.
Your argument is convoluted and lost in the rhetoric. Yes Biden is more of the same old, same old. But the public is tired if the trump 4 years, people are ready for a little predictability. Eisenhower warned about the military-industrial complex and it came to pass.
That is not going to change quickly regardless who got put into office. This is not the same world as it was pre-trump. trump found all the weaknesses in the country and the Constitution and pushed them to his personal advantage. His isolationism made our world and the entire world a more dangerous place to live. He validated the excesses of the authoritarian regimes, while handicapping our more moderate allies. He had no concept of a bigger plan and about maintaining the global checks and balances.
His rejection of Science and his pandering to false Federalism to appease his base, cost 100,000 of unnecessary deaths. It also put us at odds with the rest of the world. Could the US have used a come- uppance and in need of a slap down. You bet. He provided the vehicle for that. Our ethnocentrism and myth believing society about our exceptionalism and superiority needed to be slapped off our face. He provided that.
At least Biden brings some stability which we sorely need. The country has moved to the left, but people are ready for a eruption jump, but a measured jump. We have lots of dynamic young leaders in the wing to bring forth the change and challenge in 2024.
the majority people in this country are not invested in the stock market and do not gain direct benefits. The stock market is meaningless when you don't have a home, food on the table, or medical insurance.
by pandering to the autocratic and dictators around the world while alienating our allies he has made the world a much more dangerous place. His pandering to Puten (staging against adjacent NATO allies)and Shi (in the South China Sea and the Uigher genocide) has emboldened them to push their aggressive agendas. trump's concessions to North Korea has cost us the combined S. Korean -Japanes-US war games and now Ung has more nuclear weapons than before trump came to office. He has destabilized the checks and balance systems all around the world.
energy independence at what cost. His wholesale deregulation may cost your grand kids and their children a healthy planet to inherit. Plus fossil fuel is ultimately a dead end industry. It is a non-renewable resource as well as a major polluting resource. 2016 demonstrated there were more jobs created by clean energy than all of oil, gas, and coal industry put together.
Once again jester you demonstrated what a shallow thinker you are and why you belong in Alabama. You fit the norm there, so you should be very comfortable.
The stock market is a manufactured manipulation of an illusion. Its ups and downs are as valuable as the money which is printed out of thin air, which is then used to support their pozi schemes that forces a growing number of us into poverty and homelessness. If you took all the trillions printed up for the ruling class since 2008 we'd be in another great depression. They are forced to print money in the billions each night just to keep repo loans from creating a recession alone which stifles interest rates for us to benefit from. Which in regards to many it doesn't matter today because most people can't afford to put money in a bank savings. But it does help manufacture a false sense of security within the public to go into or deeper into debt.
While we may be presently producing more energy than we are using with less imported for the moment, at what cost? Not a very good thing to brag about in reality as a whole when you weigh in the damage to society.
The current wars going on now aren't enough for you? I'll also argue escalating wars throughout the middle east and Africa void that claim. Especially when it comes to Africa. Just because they aren't being reported and done in secrecy doesn't make them any less horrific for their reasoning.
@t1nick please refrain from personal attacks and name calling. If you can't manage to debate without such negative remarks please quit visiting my group.
Jester and I have a long animosity going back months. I respect your request, I will refrain on your post.
@t1nick I don't want it in my group. It deters sincere people who are looking for other alternative news outside of the MSCM fake news attempting to get away from the rhetoric and party division anger it creates. Actually looking for better news sources which is my intended goal here. I'd highly appreciate if you'd respect the conditions outlines on the Welcoming Page.
#1. The stock market is a mark point for jobs in the US and the world.
#2. Danger? We have had fewer terror attacks in the US over the past 4 years than the previous 8 years.
#3. Based on environmental statistics, the US is the cleanest it’s ever been.
Do better kiddo.
@t1nick And I hold no animosity for anyone. You’ll be okay. You just need to improve your view of reality.
@William_Mary you got it
You conclusions are not supported by facts. Less attacks on our shores except by white supremicists which are up 400% since trump got in. Domestic terror is up and external threats increased. The US is not cleaner than ever. That was a Republican talking thing point. Point in fact we are 11th or 12th in the industrialized world in air and water cleanliness.
@t1nick White supremisists? If you watch the news, those are democrats rioting in Origen.
. You have got to be kidding. Check official statistics sites. Not thr right wing propaganda sites
#1 Also manipulated by the initial manufactured structure. In which that structure is rot with unpunished crimes for it to continue. 2008 clearly exposed this for even those that aren't self educated and able to clearly use all underlining issues within economy and the political arena to learn this. This virus has again exposed this on a much larger scale.
#2 While I'd have to do some research on actual numbers, being you didn't provide any for such a claim, the amount of domestic terrorism going on in the last the time frame you gave is horrific enough on its own scale.
#3 Again with no evidence to back up your claims, rhetoric is clearly showing to be your only means to produce seemingly useless endless discussions with no sight towards futility. You seemingly are deep within a persona of biasness to only one structured agenda that isn't generated on concerns for society as a whole. I can only suggest you follow [rt.com] for a different view that highly contradicts your claims.
Do better kiddo. My name isn't kiddo. I'm not ignorant to this type of labeling and the reasons for it. Whether you do it out of ignorance or purposeful public display to draw attention to yourself and or to place ridicule on me. You're seemingly here for all the wrong reasons I want members here and attempting to set a tone we see on most social medias. I will not go any further into this, again.
I have not run across RT.com before. So I did some background research. This is what I found:
Reasoning: Russian Propaganda, Conspiracy, Lack of Transparency, Some Fake News
Country: Russia
World Press Freedom Rank: Russia 148/180
Founded in 2005, RT, originally Russia Today, is a television network funded by the Russian government. It operates cable and satellite television channels directed to audiences outside of Russia as well as providing Internet content in various languages, including Russian. Critics of RT claim they are a source for disinformation and pro-Russian propaganda.
Read how the Russian Government influences Media.
Funded by / Ownership
RT News is owned by ANO “TV-Novosti”, which is funded by the Russian Government. The network is funded through advertising as well as 307 million USD from the Russian Government as of 2016.
Analysis / Bias
In review, RT News presents news that is generally in line with the narrative of the Russian Government. When it comes to covering USA/International News they provide right of center coverage. They are highly biased in favor of Russia and occasionally run Pro-state conspiracy stories. The Columbia Journalism Review calls RT “The Kremlin’s propaganda outlet.”
In general, most international news stories on RT are factual and relate to true events, however, there are occasional pieces that spin these facts into a different narrative, that is misleading. Another concerning aspect of RT is they do not list author information for articles published on the website. This presents a lack of transparency that makes it difficult to verify the information.
Also, add the US and Saudi's war in Yemen. That is a new war that doesn't get reported on. One of the greatest humanitarian emergencies outside of Uigher genocide occurring under trump's tenure.
You are relying upon Republican talking points. The reason they are talking points is they are designed to elicit emotional reaction in both the base and the opponents. Problem with talking points is that they are almost always taken out of context, tend to be nonfactual and exaggerations or outright distortions of the truth. Most often they lie by omission of important related facts and evidence. They are not reliable and tend to strain credulity and makes one question the credibility of the person relying upon them.
My suggestion is that you dig deeper into the subject you are desiring to respond to. Find real facts (as opposed to alternative facts) and evidence before entering the fray
@t1nick I challenge you to critically think about why you might have found the results you found. First off, Google! Who is Google aligned with? Well, highly deep into our intelligence agencies and political arena. You are aware of how they use algorithms to control the information we receive? With the going narratives on Russia, which I will argue are manufactured towards negative conditioning, used by our intelligence agencies, politicians, and MSCM, do you really believe you can trust Google to give you an unbiased analysis?
Why do you think these people can presently only be found on RT? I would be happy to go through the list with you if you're interested, and point out which are there because some have been forced out of MSCM, left on their own accord due to suppression of their work while in the MSCM, or have been fired for dissenting against the establishment agendas, simply won't be invited on their shows. Some on that list of shows are great sources of information. I put a few on the Welcoming Page that offer the most important views towards certain aspects of society needed to develop a full spectrum of understanding our political nature with the below statement.
"A mixture of my most used trusted sites below. To truly understand the corruption in our politics and society you must have a decent amount of information of each aspect of society to meaningfully put the pieces together and be able to vote positively productively."
Our political issues are multi dimensional. The problem with most people is that they confront our issues on a one dimensional track. We are purposely confronted by the MSCM on mostly a one dimensional view in coverage in efforts to eliminate the other important factors needed to follow that leads to all the facts. Which I argue here that the independent sources I use here do that for us for the most part. Follow the links in the articles for the missing pieces to the puzzle. It's like driving and constantly, only, looking forward. If you can't perform all the important responsibilities associated with driving a vehicle you're potential to wreck is heightened. If your brain isn't able to weigh in all the aspects of society that are associated to the issue as it's being presented to you, you can't possibly reach a potential means to understand how the presenter is attempting to deceive you. How many times have you heard the term (follow the money)? How many people do you think are actually weighing in economy, pollution, human, social, and infrastructural harm, world division as the media uses the public relation firms constructed one dimensional presentation passed down to them.
There are a few on there I don't like though also. But I watch the show a lot throughout the. I have it on now. I learn a hell of a lot more about the world than I do any MSTV that involves our interference and provides me a different view outside of the US. It's a totally different reality. I'm getting news and reaction from around the world none of our MSCM puts out. They don't want us to see what is being showed on RT.
You and I actually seem to be fairly close within our political views. I'll suggest occasionally visiting the work of the following if you don't have the channel.
[rt.com] his current show which I watched last night was quite good.
[rt.com] Chris Hedges
As a product of the Cold War era I have a natural suspicion of anything Russian. Some is conditioning, some is irrational bias, some is well placed suspicion. There are sources out there like Al Jazeera US, or NPR that present items and information not presented on main stream media and cable stations.
I am a progressive liberal and a scientist. I look for recurring trends from multiple sources to point to what may be factual and true. I recognize the biases in the main stream media and challenge them when I recognize the inconsistencies.
@t1nick always ask more. Quite frankly though, I don't see how you view NPR as being much different than MSM. I regard them as another deceptive source that more than often offer the establishment an open mic to spew their perception management. You do realize that a number of our major corporations and MSM fund and support NPR? Which might lead one to consider that a reason that for nearly 4 years they spewed the same false Russiagate narrative along with them. I often state here in the group how I listen to them all day long, as I drive for a living, to keep my bullshit meter calibrated to the MSCM fake news. Al Jazeera has become another source which one needs to be able to cypher through the good and bad information. This is the trick I advocate hard here. Being able to recognize when you're being pulled into a rabbit hole.
@t1nick with all due respect though, that war has been going on well before Trump got into office.
Yes, but trump accelerated it, supplied Saudi Arabia with weapons and support, and gave explicit permission to Saudi Arabia to maintain this humanitarian crisis.
I disagree with the extent of you assessment. I M a news junkie as well. Listen several hours a day. Maybe not as diverse a diet as yourself, but extensive.
@t1nick one dimensional thinking with all due respect. It's totally unfair to eliminate or downplay the actions of history to place all blame on the present to serve your own narrative. Quite frankly that's the primary example of why we've reached the present that we're attempting to explain and expose here. Further more, you also managed the elimination of the participating foreign nations that are also playing a part in the Yemen war which helps to provide a fair argument to his supporters as this narrative hands them a just means to voice opposition. Continuingly feeding the party divisional divide in the US while those foreign nations walk about unmentioned.
There's this apparatus called The United Nations. Another fake entity in this delusional world reality. But these nations are also selling weapons and funding the ongoing war in Yemen. One dimensional thinking hinders the exposure of all the other dimensions at play here. We can't confront the reality as a world society if we allow ourselves to constantly be trapped in one dimension.
There's a lot of talk on Biden possibly allowing his cabinet to widen more warring prospects on Syria. Placing more troops in Afghanistan etc. The narratives towards this are going to face related attempts to change and erase history within manufactured party division. The blame game such as this will continue as the world pays the price in all aspects. Why do we want to continue to feed this!?!
"one dimensional thinking with all due respect. It's totally unfair to eliminate or downplay the actions of history to place all blame on the present to serve your own narrative.:
Its true everything has its own historical context. Actions came before, as will actions follow. Im not exactly sure if this is what you are referring? I usually try to place events within the context of the history in which they have evolved.
As far as the Yemeni conflict goes, it began as a civil war in 2014. In 2015, Saudi Arabia joined the conflict (see below).
Concurrently, a coalition led by Saudi Arabia launched military operations by using air strikes to restore the former Yemeni government. Although there was no direct intervention by Iran, who support the Houthis, the conflict has been widely seen as an extension of the Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict and as a means to combat Iranian influence in the region.
In order to protect and foster the personal business deals between trump and kusher with the Saudi government, trump entered the frey on Saudi's side. The anti-Iraq excuse was used for justification.
More later, maybe. Lol.
{Im not exactly sure if this is what you are referring?}
I was referring to how you erased the history to support your narrative of seemingly placing sole blame on the present and Trump. Especially as though he has solely given permission to Saudi Arabia when that permission has been a placement given since engagement by all entities involved. Why didn't you place that context to the history but rather only to the present? Your argument is seemingly based on a biased nature to support a narrative in retrospect to divisional divide and how you desire to confront it from one dimension, which I'm arguing will never confront the problem as a whole. It's a conditioned approach handed down by the creators of information to stifle any real sense of confronting the problem in a genuine manor.
I've been posting on Yemen in this group for years since the beginning. All the while it was totally absent from MSCM. And explaining to the members here why the Houthis are falsely targeted as a terrorist group. The Houthis are one of about 4 entities in the region that make up the most powerful fighting groups that combat the colonialism and true terrorist's groups effecting their homeland and the region. In which both our political parties and the MSCM are working in collaboration to manufacture false narratives to their nature and the reasons we are in the region, spilling our own blood at times, in which your "context" leaves out and or erases.
You're quite in line with the same historical knowledge, seemingly, as myself, but yet you seemingly can't put the collaboration together on the political and media structure to pull yourself away from the conditioned party divide. It seems to filter down to all aspects of your political sense.
And you produced your own outcome of results I've been harping on during all our exchanges when you stated "Its true everything has its own historical context. Actions came before, as will actions follow." Yet you don't seem to understand that we need to change the actions to eliminate the historical results that keep this same failed cycle from continuing. That is a purposeful agenda of our representatives and the media that serves them.
Once you understand how information is manufactured for these actors you can confront from outside the managed perception of designed biasness it creates.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[wsws.org]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.