Economic Update: No Matter Who Wins
On this week’s show, Prof. Wolff presents the following short updates: Inspire Brands buys Dunkin Donuts, as big firms grow while medium and small firms die; private US capitalism is now on "life-support" financial dependence on US gov't; and pre-Covid US eviction tsunami is now getting worse fast. No matter who wins, the capitalist system gets continued support, continued failure to end instability, continued erosion of New Deal, and continued denial of real political choice in the US.
Knowing it's hard to get members to spend time on videos, if any time at all, I took the initiative to post this edition of Economic Update starting at a later point, the last few minutes, to attempt to get what I feel is an important message across. In case the above prelude wasn't enough to catch your interest. But if so, for all that are interested just restart the video once the last 5 minutes or so play out.
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