This is a piece in the MSM, but I thought it was notable, particularly for this part:
[Biden] is likely to go along with an extension [because] his administration is staffed by creatures of the “Blob” — the network of establishment foreign policy experts who favor an expansive U.S. role in the world and resist every effort to pull back even from failed interventions.
His Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, supported the Iraq War as well as Mr. Obama’s intervention in Libya. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan was an aide to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and chief foreign policy adviser for her presidential campaign. She favored both wars.
Mr. Biden’s Defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, is a retired four-star Army general. In his presidential memoir, Mr. Obama recalled the resistance of the Pentagon brass to pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. These officers were, he wrote, products of “a U.S. military that prided itself on accomplishing a mission once started, without regard to cost, duration, or whether the mission was the right one to begin with.” Austin didn’t get where he is by being a bold nonconformist.
There's no mention of the ethics involved in these interventions, and I suppose it's foolish to hope that people realize these wars (particularly this one) were wrong to begin with. But at least a mainstream commentator acknowledged the existence of this "Blob"!
The world is full of religious fanatics, so we don't have a good reason for singling out the Taliban. On the other hand, if we need a test bed for latest creations from the military industrial complex, no one will miss the Taliban. The military also needs a way to launder billions that are used for black projects, and Afghanistan works well there too.
Rachel Maddow wrote an excellent book on the subject of our warmongering and its true cost.
@altschmerz Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power
Just because Biden was a better choice than the Orange One doesn't mean he isn't a member of the established order.
@altschmerz This guy is one of my faves, I Post his content regularly on my "Late Night..." Group. I'm glad you liked it.
@altschmerz & yeah, I checked that Group out...pretty lame, imo.
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