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The CIA Used To Infiltrate The Media. Now The CIA Is The Media.

Back in the good old days, when things were more innocent and simple, the psychopathic Central Intelligence Agency had to covertly infiltrate the news media to manipulate the information Americans were consuming about their nation and the world. Nowadays, there is no meaningful separation between the news media and the CIA at all.


{Nowadays the CIA collaboration happens right out in the open, and people are too propagandized to even recognize this as scandalous. Immensely influential outlets like The New York Times uncritically pass on CIA disinfo which is then spun as fact by cable news pundits. The sole owner of The Washington Post is a CIA contractor, and WaPo has never once disclosed this conflict of interest when reporting on US intelligence agencies per standard journalistic protocol. Mass media outlets now openly employ intelligence agency veterans like John Brennan, James Clapper, Chuck Rosenberg, Michael Hayden, Frank Figliuzzi, Fran Townsend, Stephen Hall, Samantha Vinograd, Andrew McCabe, Josh Campbell, Asha Rangappa, Phil Mudd, James Gagliano, Jeremy Bash, Susan Hennessey, Ned Price and Rick Francona, as are known CIA assets like NBC’s Ken Dilanian, as are CIA interns like Anderson Cooper and CIA applicants like Tucker Carlson.}

{Democracy has no meaningful existence if people’s votes aren’t being cast with a clear understanding of what’s happening in their nation and their world, and if their understanding is being shaped to suit the agendas of the very government they’re meant to be influencing with their votes, what you have is the most powerful military and economic force in the history of civilization with no accountability to the electorate whatsoever. It’s just an immense globe-spanning power structure, doing whatever it wants to whoever it wants. A totalitarian dictatorship in disguise.}

In other words, as I have so occasionally spoke here. If you fail to understand the narrative reasoning of this group, you're most likely living in a delusional reality. Those that have come and gone from here within their small meaningless stints are simply victims of their conditioning propaganda. Even as their dissent against the group was being precisely addressed, their means to achieve a validity towards their beliefs, they each lacked the ability to produce a reasonable debate using information to apply sensible critical thought without using baseless rhetoric to retort. Which is in itself a conditioned symptom of this CIA media program. At every level these attacks came from, the methods, again a conditioned symptom, were to change the context of the information being used, the context of the advocate, inability of coherence, create false statements in efforts to produce a manufactured illusion.

The saddest part about all of this is that most of these people clearly recognize, for the most part, that we have a problem with our information outlets, a problem with our representation, and a problem with the agenda of our country. But they fail and do a great disservice to all of us when they lack the ability to apply critical thought to the whole of the process while remaining reliant on that which manages their perceptions.

{There’s a common delusion in our society that depraved government agencies who are known to have done evil things in the past have simply stopped doing evil things for some reason. This belief is backed by zero evidence, and is contradicted by mountains of evidence to the contrary. It’s believed because it is comfortable, and for literally no other reason.}

You can keep adding water to a bad radiator to get you down the road for a while. But eventually the radiator will become so bad you might be left out in the middle of nowhere, unable to get water. Their way leaves you running out of water and stranded in a delusional state. The groups information attempts to get you to buy a new radiator before you go on the journey. See the clarity of the world our country is involved in and what's really happening. They aren't genuinely representing us out there in the world. And the only way to see this and correlate it with what's happening at home isn't going to come from their information.

They're con artist selling us a bad product. Just look at the state of our country today. Mass shootings seemingly daily, at least weekly now. Up tick in African America's being killed again. Physical attacks on minorities climbing. Workplace shootings. These are all symptoms of a failed system gone horribly wrong while representation has no seemingly desire to address these issues with a genuine concern. The only thing that matters to them and the media is how much money they can hand over to the ruling class. And in the media they have those who are outside our critical thought process quibbling over who is wrong or right within these systemic failures. No one will ask the right questions or provoke the silent elephant and donkey in the room as they merely provide an open mic to spew their none sense when they do finally speak. Grand Illusion

William_Mary 8 Apr 17
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IOW, you are all fcked.

I'd like to attempt to draw your attention to a concerning and relevant factor. I took the following from the article which is also pasted above in my commentary. Possibly, its contextual narrative slipped through coherency. But as a world society this is a structured oppression all westernized nations share on the false propaganda front. Something Caitlin Johnstone understands but often leaves out of her work as her main target is the US aspect of the global empire. I often criticized her for it in the past, but of late has begun to voice and acknowledged her own countries collaborations.

{Democracy has no meaningful existence if people’s votes aren’t being cast with a clear understanding of what’s happening in their nation and their world, and if their understanding is being shaped to suit the agendas of the very government they’re meant to be influencing with their votes, what you have is the most powerful military and economic force in the history of civilization with no accountability to the electorate whatsoever. It’s just an immense globe-spanning power structure, doing whatever it wants to whoever it wants. A totalitarian dictatorship in disguise.}

While your country seemingly may be better off than ours own down here in some aspects, I'll argue it's also an illusion to live and deal with.

Your country currently supports virtually all sanctions falsely manufactured towards killing innocent civilians around the globe. In Venezuela's case it's because your country wants to go back to pillaging their gold and other minerals.

Your country, last I read, is selling various types of weapons to Saudi Arabia and other types of equipment and technologies towards a genocide effort in Yemen. Where the main targets of death and destruction have been on civilians and infrastructure to produce a maximum kill ratio and to discourage support for the Houthis who overthrew a tyrant suppressive government. [] Even the Jacobine who I denounce on a regular basis was brave enough to shake the status quo on this.

Your country has its own up tick in fascist movements and politicians beginning to push towards right wing politics.

In my short time to prepare this reply I've found reasons I can relate your country as being not so different than ours in other aspects.

Virus --- []

Economy ---- []

2 headlines at the top of this also signify that you're facing heavy budgets that correlate with the US and pressuring Trudeau to manipulate his social acceptance. Childcare and green initiatives are relevant concerns still. Your country, like Johnstones, mirror the US in so many aspects of crimes against humanity from its past to today, and world issues.

We're fucked? I just want to attempt to unite us all to stop the fucking going on within this worldwide scale.


I have found that most people on the liberal side of the spectrum either lack the interest to seek alternative news sources or refuse to question the corporate media or the Dem Party establishment because they lack the strength and courage to deal with facing the reality that the corporate media and the Dem leadership are lying to them about anything that involves the interests of average Americans. It is simply too much for them to believe that continuing to elect corporate Dems will be never be enough to actually change anything for the everyday reality of most Americans. They see the increases in chaos and violence around our country and refuse to make the connection between it and a failed system, instead they see it all as unconnected and due to causes like simply availability of guns or underfunded mental health care. They fail to see how it's all connected to the growing rage that people feel, even if they don't really understand what they feel rage about. That rage fueled support for Trump and it will continue to feed support for the next Repub dictator, unless the people are given a real choice between that and a left wing populist in a general election.

The system is not sustainable for keeping order and peace in the US. In the end, it will only result in either revolution or a fascist crackdown followed by permanent martial law and a dictatorship. Most likely it will be the latter.


People don't pay attention. Tons of people that still watch this stuff think these "news" organizations are on the up and up and providing an essential service to the people. They swallow everything they put out there without question.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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