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The Russia-China Alliance: More than a Bulwark Against Imperialism

China’s communist party-led government and enormous non-white population strikes fear in the heart of the hegemon in ways that Russia alone simply cannot.


{The focus on modern day lynch law at the expense of other issues not only hasn’t ended this scourge but it has given scoundrels an entree to practice their con games against Black people. After Floyd was murdered every hustler from Al Sharpton to Nancy Pelosi jumped on the bandwagon to voice fake outrage. Sharpton gives cover to the establishment and protects them like an old school gangster while pretending to fight for the people. As he famously told Joe Biden in a leaked video, “I will never embarrass you.”

Pelosi and Democratic politicians made a mockery of a serious issue with their kente cloth, taking a knee stunt. One would think she couldn’t do any worse but she did. On the day of the verdict she opined that Floyd, “Sacrificed himself for justice.” Pelosi gets away with these insults because Black politics consists of the bottom feeding misleaders who owe their positions to her largesse.}

{What explains, then, the relative ignorance of Russia and China’s alliance in the United States? A cursory observation of the post-Obama period yields a very simple explanation—China has been deemed a “legitimate” threat to U.S. interests while Russia has not. When Russia was accused of “rigging” the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump, it was quite easy to dissect the lies behind the claim given the stark power imbalance between the U.S. and Russian governments. China is considered by many in the U.S. and Western world to be an economic equivalent, if not a superior, to the United States. Its communist party-led government and enormous non-white population strikes fear in the heart of the hegemon in ways that Russia alone simply cannot. Many have thus opted to treat China and Russia separately rather than together in accordance with the massive dip in American and Western public opinion toward China.}

Russia, stripped of its past communist label, has fallen subservient to the US in most aspects. Basically a capitalist nation now only its intelligence agencies remain a deceptive target with Putin at the helm. Controlling the spread of their wealth and allies are the top remaining concerns to the world powers. A deception? Germany? With the US attempting to halt further Nord Stream expansion may be a political show. If I were China I'd be very cautious of my relationship with Russia. If you don't think there could be secret dealings between the US and Russia in the background, I'd suggest you're leaving yourself wide open. Seriously, it seems Russia is all to willing to play the part of the puppet and conveyor of sanity. If you pay close attention to the issues of Russia playing the good guy in stopping illegal regime changes and the lines of false accusations from the westernized world, Putin clearly seems to walk a tight rope rather well in this part.

Fred Hampton? I would suggest the nature between the Black Panthers and China are rather relevant and correlate. You can add Venezuela to this also, but since racial concerns are at the forefront here. In both these situations lay the determination and abilities to produce functional societies under a socialist scale. As Hampton and the BP's were managing to create multiple organizations benefiting their desired social structure, the establishment had to put a stop to it using false narratives. The current attacks on China based on false narratives highly correlate to the same manor for the same reason. The establishment is again attempting to stop the spread of good social advancement by demonizing it.

In both cases you have 2 countries that are being attacked by western entities which think the have the right to deny other countries the right to be sovereign while they themselves are the leaders of death, destruction, rights deniers, and inhumane acts. Ludicrous.

{The Russia-China alliance, much to the chagrin of the U.S. foreign policy blob, is here to stay. Russia and China have only grown closer amid a U.S.-facilitated global climate of destabilization and chaos. The alliance serves as a bulwark against the growing threat of U.S. imperialism in Eurasia. It should come as no surprise, then, that Chinese and Russian diplomats met immediately after Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin “a killer” and Secretary of State Tony Blinken made clear that U.S. aggression toward China would continue indefinitely. Talks included extensive deliberation on how Russia and China would work together to counter color revolutions, sanctions, and U.S.-led misinformation campaigns.}

Yea, what other outcome could one even think of? Go ahead, I dare you to push that gnawing dog you've been tormenting and beating into a corner. Yea, go ahead and add another dog. While the rest of the remaining countries receiving the same treatment from you begin to line up against you.

William_Mary 8 May 2
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