Oregon middle school teacher dies from COVID-19 within days of school reopening
{Estacada School District has tried to absolve itself from responsibility for Fox’s death, while the media has seized on the fact that she was unvaccinated when she contracted COVID-19. Fox’s last day teaching in-person was April 27. According to a spokeswoman for the district, 60 students have been told to quarantine. This number has been refuted by sources from within the school district, stating that by May 3 there are over 237 students in quarantine.
In their attempt to cover up the spread of the disease, a district spokeswoman said there is “no evidence” of spread in any of the schools even though cases continue to rise, and almost 11 percent of the district’s students are under quarantine.}
When we become compliant to our own demise.
{Commenting on the media’s attempt to blame Samantha, a long-term substitute teacher in Oregon reached out to the World Socialist Web Site and wrote: “Most students are unvaccinated, and the biggest growth in cases now are among younger adults. When students become infected they can spread it anywhere ... to other students and school staff, who then take this home to families and communities. This is all about concern over spread … so yes, blaming the teacher is a huge distraction.”}
{It is not possible to know precisely the number of educators who have succumbed to the virus since schools have reopened, with no federal tracking program ever established. Education Week has tracked 937 active and retired K-12 educators and personnel who have succumbed to COVID-19, undoubtedly a significant undercount.}
They plainly aren't keeping track towards informing the public, purposely. It's essentially criminal behavior towards social murder. And our MSCM is in compliance within a lack of duly investigating it and or providing mis/disinformation.
{Across the country in numerous states, schools are the number one source of COVID-19 outbreaks, with the state of Michigan bluntly admitting in the first week of March that schools are the source of the largest outbreaks. Similar figures have been cited in Minnesota, Colorado, Pennsylvania and other states.}
Again, WSWS correctly foreseen and predicted the outcome as these measures were being unethically processed.
{The school districts, both capitalist parties and the teachers unions have conspired against the lives and health of teachers, students and the working class more broadly. The policies advanced by the ruling class make containing and eradicating the virus a scientific impossibility.}
This is why WSWS has often been suppressed and banned from social medias only to be reinstated when proven correct. The truth and sensible conjecture will not be tolerated for the common citizen to be educated on. If you listen only to our president,governors, and MSCM you'd think we are on the backslide of this virus of going out and down, while the truth is we aren't being formidably informed.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
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Posted by DenoPennoI'm coming to the defense on this one.