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Divide And Brainwash: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix


{One of the biggest challenges for a developing anti-imperialist, at least in my experience, is learning to differentiate between those who actually want to end the oligarchic empire and those who just want the empire to act a bit more cosmetically nice than it does. These are two completely different positions, especially because the latter is pure fantasy: you cannot have a globe-dominating unipolar power structure that doesn’t use violent force to maintain that world order. Yet the two groups often wind up moving in overlapping circles.

I’ve never had trouble knowing what my own position is toward the empire, but I’ve often struggled figuring out who shared that position. There was a long unfolding process of going “Ohh, we’re not on the same page at all. You want entirely different things from what I want.”

Most of the sectarian fighting you see on the left splits along those lines: those who want to end the oligarchic empire, and those who want the oligarchic empire to be a bit nicer. These two positions are ultimately irreconcilable, so those factions will never get along.}

That has been my most disheartening discovery since I've been doing this type of arm chair political commentary since 2016, as I then advocated for a Sanders presidency. The waves of being hard hit by notifications of there being so many who fall into this rabbit hole of existence since 2016 is astoundingly difficult to live with.

I was basically in the process of crawling out of my own rabbit hole during that period as it became obvious Sanders was exposing himself as being a fake socialist and tool for the ruling class. If 2016 couldn't manage to be the enlightenment era, what time then can be? Even my dumb ass became fully enlightened to just how indoctrinated our society is into being the largest group of fools on the planet.

William_Mary 8 June 5
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AOC! Rah rah rah! Bernie! Rah rah rah! Biden! Rah rah rah! He's the next FDR! Push him left! Lol

They all told people to go fuck themselves and they're still getting praised by the fan boys and fan girls.

Now now! People who vote for both parties are the smart ones! They've been doing it for centuries and things are really starting to change for the better! Lol

The Democrats have a complete majority and they're just being nice by compromising and giving up on all their promises! One of the parties has to be nice to show some civility! The midterms are really what's important coming up! We will really make some change then! BLUE WAVE!!! Lmao

For the sarcastically impaired, that was sarcasm.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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