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Publicly-Funded Weapons Companies Donate to Election Objectors

Back to business as usual. Of course! This is what becomes of fake congressional hearings among a collaborate 2 party establishment. First we get predictable outcomes that most ignored warnings to. You know most of us seen something to this nature coming? A number of us here knew the violence was going to escalate from the very beginning of the 2020 rallies. They got away with it then and now getting away with it again.

To date I heard on NPR that some 300 people have been arrested by the FBI. Who are they? They're vastly made up of our bothers and sisters of society! Their crime? Having got caught up in the delusional reality that's been created for them just like so many others on either side of this manufactured propaganda scheme. Who in government has been held accountable? Not very god dam many. No where near enough. Trump and his minions are still allowed to go out and keep lighting fires.

And where's Biden?

{President Biden’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 calls for $753 billion in defense spending out of the approximately $1.5 trillion federal discretionary budget, a 1.7% increase in military spending above what was appropriated last year under Trump, which many progressive Democrats in Congress are pushing to reduce and reallocate to “health, housing, education, and jobs.”

Some 50-60% of the Pentagon’s budget goes to the weapons contractors who often make maximum PAC contributions to the campaigns of congresspeople who approve funding for and oversee their contracts. The Pentagon followed up Biden’s proposal with a $17 billion wish list, defense analyst Dan Grazier writes, and the new Space Force is asking for another $2.2 billion, “plus-up requests” that would raise military spending by 4% from the current proposal.}

That's where.

Reduce the negatively with lips service and publication of pulling the funding of radical groups and representation. Short period later, hoping no one is intelligent enough to follow the right sources, begin that funding again. Weapons corporations who feed off death and destruction worldwide also feed of the chaos they can create right here within our country. And your representatives are all part of it.

So know now, when the next social uprising takes place and someone you know and or loves becomes a victim within a manufactured chaos that turns a peaceful protest into a riot like atmosphere, these people don't give a rats ass about them or you. It's simply business as usual for the empire ruling class.

Washington, DC police admit use of brute force against peaceful protests in days following death of George Floyd

Friedrich herself questioned Sobiecki’s reasoning for MPD’s use of weapons against the protesters. Multiple times during the hearing, she said the demonstrations were clearly peaceful, at one point admonishing the government’s defense by saying, “You can’t just whale on someone with batons if they’re running away from you.”

The MPD’s admission is an exposure of the Democratic Party’s hypocritical feigned outrage at the Trump administration’s response. The Democratic Party and sections of the capitalist state, while also attacking protesters, feared that Trump was encouraging a social explosion by his actions and sought to divert the protests. In addition to appealing to the US military to oppose Trump’s dictatorial behavior, the Democratic Party sought to inject heavy doses of identity politics into the discussion, in order to divide the protests along racial lines.


William_Mary 8 June 26
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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