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Happy “Independence” Day: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix


{The most dangerous extremists of our age are not radical jihadists, nor fundamentalist Christians, nor white supremacists, nor communists, nor anarchists, but mainstream adherents to the status quo politics that are murdering people around the world and driving us to armageddon.

This should not be a controversial thing to say. Certainly some of the above groups are dangerous and wrong, but they are objectively far less dangerous and deadly than the mainstream mass murdering ecocidal extremists who people inaccurately label “centrists” and “moderates”.}

They are after all caught up in the same spell bounding propaganda you are. The only difference is that yours is the other side of the spectrum. This is the sole reason we are herded into a choice of only 2 barns of their farming agenda. To allow any other parties that voice dissent against the 2 current political establishment parties and voting process would be detrimental to them from factual information that would be used against them.

I didn't use the above narrative in regards of being comical satire either. We are actually looked down on as animals who need to be controlled. And whether the few outside political groups who do make it to the MSCM stage at times, they are also controlled and herded into one of the 2 establishment parties accordingly. Tea Party and Libertarians to republicans. DSA since their 2016 new found glory and Green Party to the democrats. History has been building a long list of obvious compliance of these entities and people within of falling in line with the status quo.

Just imagine how a presidential debate would go with Joseph Kishore on stage challenging both parties, Biden and Trump, with scientific facts, results of the same failed policies for decades, especially on the foreign front, numerous lies and deceptive leading wars, climate change and infrastructure, gross inequality and the real means of how it came about. More on inequality below with Max and Stacy.

{A government whose solution to homelessness is to criminalize the homeless is a government that should not exist.}

What's next? Criminalizing protest, voices of progressives, socialist/ism? To late, It's already under the microscope and ready to be unleashed. Has been unleashed in regards of social media.

{Western Marxists talking about violent revolution when they can’t get 20 people at a protest are like a little boy talking about fighting supervillains when he can’t even tie his shoes. There won’t be revolution, violent or otherwise, while propaganda rules public consciousness.}

This is Johnstone going off the rails. Making the same mistake of useless rhetoric while seemingly placing all self proclaimed Marxist as the same, when actually we also have our fake entities out there. The SEP (Socialist Equality Party) has never espoused a violent revolution. On the contrary, having called out the DSA (Democrat Socialist of America) for praising the crimes of Stalinism. The leaders of the DSA are a profoundly sick aspect of our society which are in bed with the establishment. They are misleaders of every aspect of socialism when they glorify Stalin's state corporate communism and the murder of Trotsky.

{Those who are tweeting sick jokes about Trotsky’s murder are circulating the political equivalent of pornography. They are not only laughing about the murder of one of the towering figures in the history of twentieth century socialism, they are solidarizing themselves with the campaign of mass murder carried out by Stalin’s totalitarian regime.} []

The DSA's sole goal is to deliver you to the democratic party in compliance to the current system. To attempt to kill any remnants of the movement Sanders mistakenly kicked off, and the interest in socialism that had already begun before 2016.

What bank is getting it right? How we're being lied to by our market and banks.


William_Mary 8 July 4
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