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Biden administration capitulates to Republican attacks on voting rights

Biden has sought to counter this criticism by naming Vice President Kamala Harris to lead his efforts on voting rights and pledging to campaign publicly on the issue, but he has not actually done anything. Thursday’s meeting was the first White House event of the year devoted to the issue.

What ever this woman touches goes backwards as for society in regards as a benefit. The positions she held in California faced the very same results, and overall the same for ethical practices from claims of those around her she's facing today being vastly negative.

The last election cycle again put !!! as the top narrative of what our nation is facing today. Has been actually steadfast for sometime. As it was purposely left uncovered by the MSCM has now exacerbated towards becoming a crippling effect about to drastically change our nation. And most of our population is still ignorant of the biggest issue of voting suppression taking place which is the elimination of the various left leaning voters. Biden just now getting to this issue, and having done nothing to address it since it has been a daily topic since the election, speaks volumes to collaboration. More on that at the bottom.


{At least two right-wing Democrats in the Senate, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, oppose any action to overturn the filibuster rule, which would require unanimous support from the 50 Democrats in the Senate, as well as Vice President Harris’s tie-breaking vote.}

Is it time we made Manchin a verb?

{Now, of course, you have to ask another question. Maybe Joe doesn’t want to tell us where he’s getting his money. And, you know, I just talked to a political insider who said he’s totally Koched up… Charles Koch is his big money. Also don’t forget coal mining… You’ve got some pretty monstrous people who are operating these coal mines and the coal mining controls West Virginia politics, which is therefore very right wing. So, again, we’re talking about Manchin, but who’s behind Manchin?}


The Big Purge: 364,000 Voters Disqualified in Georgia

{The new Georgia law says that any citizen of Georgia can challenge an unlimited number of voters.}

{That’s correct. She never called anyone. She never wrote anyone. She never did any personal investigation, and neither did any of the other 88 who challenged a third of a million voters. Just no attempt to do this correctly at all.}

In virtually each republican stronghold and swing states like Wisconsin and Nevada, republicans are attempting to change voting laws towards this nature. The real narrative of the last election wasn't fraud, it was Trump being pissed because Kemp didn't get enough people purged from the Georgia voting list. Fraud was just a convenient term to fire up his supporters.


William_Mary 8 July 9
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