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Chilean exile supports SEP campaign against Australia’s anti-democratic electoral laws

“This party needs to expand otherwise how can we change the whole situation


{“The Communist Party has a lot to answer, twisting history, creating illusions and myths. All their nationalistic views, the promotion that you could build socialism from within the capitalist system and within one country. How can you? The nation-state is part of the capitalist system.}

With the demonization of socialism once again at extreme heights in the US, many are indoctrinated into a false reality of part of the above, but being fairly deciphered out in parts within my highlighted areas. I would suggest you take specific notice to {The Communist Party has a lot to answer} as referring to the ending results of the coup d’état in 1973, which the US backed. You should be thinking it odd for the US to back a communist structure? Well, it isn't odd when it actually is willing to work within a capitalist system, which essentially then took over the country. So, which is it? Capitalism like socialism means different things from place to place, as Professor Wolff will explain.

Our MSCM in collaboration with the establishment and ruling class doesn't educate our population to these truths when they are working so hard to demonize other countries who have a socialist structure. Their job is to help create a negative propagandized view of these places as the global westernized governments attempt to overthrow them by various means, and or, build false reasoning towards wars.

If you consider how the 3 basic types of socialism play a roll in society structures, I'll argue that the US is currently a communist run structure. With the ruling class owning 90% of our medias, controlling our information, in which is designed to manage our perceptions, own our politicians to a point elections are out of our control, we operate as a corporate state run communist country. We are a universe away from being a democratic republic. The party Eugenia Torrealba is running under, SEP {socialist equality party} is a democratic socialist party created from the works of Karl Marx and Trotsky. []

3 Basic Kinds of Socialism


{“All of the concepts that the SEP stands for: internationalism; for the working class, are things that can be difficult to comprehend for a lot of people because it challenges their preconceptions. But now with the pandemic you can see very clearly that it is a world crisis, not simply an issue for Australia or Chile, much less for Adelaide or Santiago. My world is part of the rest of the world.}

We've been indoctrinate into a nationalist view of divisional strife. Not just country to country, but also among each other into only 2 party tribes. 2 parties who collaborate on a world stage for the ruling classes benefit. No matter which establishment party has control in the US, their agenda is to keep their ideology of capitalism going at the expense of the rest of us. Only 200 people control the tens of trillions the ruling class own to keep this mass killing system working. Our governments don't work for us, they work for their share of that.

Giants: Who Really Rules The World?

“Giants: The Global Power Elite” details the 17 transnational investment firms which control over $50 trillion in wealth—and how they are kept in power by their activists, facilitators and protectors.

{“You cannot disconnect yourself from what happens to the workers of China or Indonesia, etc. We have far more in common with the workers of the United States than we have with the US government,” she said.

The US-led drive to war against China, she added, was Washington “making external enemies to cover up the mess that capitalism has created in all countries. COVID has shown all the holes in the capitalist system; all the things that are supposed to be working are not working.”}

{“Democracy is not something that gets given to you and stays there, as we in Chile know very well. Under capitalism, they go from being apparently democratic to using more repressive ways of ruling because they don’t want change. Unless you change the whole system that is centred on profit-making, there’s not going to be justice, there’s not going to be better health and education.}

William_Mary 8 Oct 27
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