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How 5 years can change a person. What is Chris Hedges up to? But I highly encourage everyone to view the On Contact discussion between Hedges and North. See the link @ On Contact. North makes a resembling statement in regards to groups, unions in this case, that affiliate themselves with either of our 2 party establishment that I've often made myself. Once this is done the objective of intentions become diminished and controlled facing failure in which the same type of corruption within those party's infiltrates the group. Just as within the political arena, those who support such become virtual cannon fodder to these groups. If you help to fund them, your donations simply become added to what is often the corporations that take control of the intentions which are turned against society.

North also brings up the international effect that Peter Phillips exposes in his discussion with Abby Martin. You can't possibly address problems within a national labor construct under a capitalist global order ran by the international ruling class. Or economic issues either.

If you don't have any sense of knowledge of the Russian Revolution of 1917, it's very difficult to truly understand what we're facing today. The more knowledge you have on that era the better off you are to correlate both world wars, the Ukraine issue, and our social structuring.

North's statements of division is essential to understanding that these attributes are weapons being used against us on various fronts. I'll argue that the covid issue helped to quell the other attributes he speaks of, despite the obvious growth in worker protest with auto workers, teachers, and the medical field. Train workers which were brought back to the forefront with the accident in Ohio. But I'm personally ashamed as an American that we are essentially silent on the Ukraine issue while leaving our bothers and sisters in Europe alone to fight that battle alone! 4 Years later, North got his answer on a major war.

Chris Hedges’ disoriented concept of “political maturity”


William_Mary 8 Mar 4
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