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This article from RT provides useful history on the ultimate cause of the Ukraine genocide that has been so ably exacerbated by US meddling.

Law requiring Ukrainian language being approved as the official language was approved over 100 years ago by Lenin & the committees. "On August 1, 1923, the All-Ukrainian Executive Committee and the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic) adopted a joint resolution on the beginning of the process of Ukrainianization."
Sadly USA used this to foment the 2014 coup & subsequent campaign of genocide against the Russian speaking Ukrainians living in the east of the country.


FrayedBear 9 Aug 14
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People should look up the Minsk agreement.

Jolanta Level 9 Aug 17, 2023


@FrayedBear Look it up and read it.

@Jolanta Are you talking of Minsk I or II?

And is something drawn up 8 & 9 years ago cognisant of everything that has occurred in that intervening time?

@FrayedBear Both. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted on Thursday that he had previously told German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron that the Minsk agreements were “impossible”, and he did not plan on implementing them.

@Jolanta in which case
Without Z's assassination or over throw it would never work & are useless.

@FrayedBear ???

@Jolanta the Minsk agreements were agreed on as a stalemate factor towards getting more weapons into Ukraine by western governments in 2014, Minsk I, and then again in 2015, Minsk II. Russia was voicing disapproval of the genocide campaign being waged on the people of the Donbass regions. In efforts to prevent Russia from legally stepping in to help according to the UN Charter, the Minsk agreements were a means to gain time to weaponize Ukraine further and time to dig in and fortify. Putin spent 8 years attempting to expose this to the world citizenship without entering the war.

Local militias formed in Donbass regions to defend the citizenship were heavily out manned and out gunned without air power. 14,000 men, women, and children reportedly lost their lives, infrastructure being primary targets left millions without power, food and water for years. Wherever Ukraine forces took up positions, people were essentially herded into their basements, used as shields, often shot at if not shot if they left to seek food and water. Many were interrogated, tortured, and killed, in the most grotesque ways. George Eliason compared it to the tactics of that found from terrorist groups in the Middle East from mass grave sites he was investigating from. Emphasizing that it was the work primarily coming from Nazi battalions of Ukraine. It's a mirroring scenario of WWll where German soldiers wanted no part of the genocide campaign in Ukraine, Poland, and Russia and it was handed off to Ukraine's Stephan Bandera Nazi collaborators. The entire Ukrainian citizenship is currently living under the very same conditions.

In the beginning, a significant number of the regular Ukrainian army wanted no part of the war. In some places they left their weapons and machinery and walked off. This was one aspect of how the local militia was able to manage to defend themselves, along with what little local armories had. The fascist were sent in to force them to fight or shoot them.

It has already been exposed by their own statements, now on video, that the Minsk agreements were set up for only more time. It should be seen as an admittance to a humanitarian crime. Nothing Zelensky says can be taken seriously. He's a puppet of the western governments and must play the role of distraction. He has absolutely no power to do anything but what he's told to do. His wife is most likely running the show from behind him. The last large gathering Zelensky attended, he was videotaped looking like a sad lost puppy walking around alone while his wife was surrounded by western politicians glamouring over her. This was the day after he clamored about the amount of help he was getting. They shunned him. You can count on everything he says as being choreographed. If he was to actually state that he wanted to end the war and wanted peace talks with Russia, the Nazis would literally take his head. And the western governments would sit back and allow it to happen. Fascism, Nazism, is now that engraved and ruling Ukraine today.

And quite frankly, our western governments aren't trying to hide it anymore. This ideology has a footprint in every western government around the world now. It is and has been the power structure for centuries. The Ukraine fraction of it was unleashed on the world after WWll. It has been vastly exposing itself for more than 20 years now. This Ukraine issue exacerbates the evidence as so. We've become such docile societies around the globe that they've managed to bring us to an acceptance of what they do to others, while we slowly stew in the pot on the back burner. We didn't defeat fascism in the 20th century, it simply deceived us. The comforts we think we gained from that facade, have been slowly eroding since about the 80s. It went into overdrive when the 2000s came. Hyper speed when covid hit. Supersonic on February 24th of 2022. Russia exposed what is killing us and the planet.


Requiring is a rather stringent way of putting it. How about allowing to be established? This and other issues about this era have been highly debated and researched. With most of the negative accusations against the USSR having been fairly debunked. The fact of the matter is, there has been a large scale attempt to give "Ukrainians" the chance to develop their own state, with all the possible attributes to go with it beginning in that era, with one constant action committed by them is to stab every supporting state and their people around them giving them this opportunity in the back. While they've allowed themselves to be used constantly for economic and war mongering agendas, mainly against the USSR and Russia, for a hundred years. Their entire history is a total fabrication benefited to them from the generosity of surrounding peoples who supported them, while that history is falsely re-fabricated into a falsity. During WWll, they joined the Nazis and conducted a genocide campaign on many of the peoples around them that carried them through much of their lives on all aspects. Their gratitude towards the world citizenship today virtually mirrors that era. We can't seem to give them enough as they seemingly never get anywhere towards a positive path. They hold one of the worst governments and social structures on the planet while the world has been constantly paying for it.

Interestingly I've just learnt that in 1866 Tsar Alexander II was almost assassinated in Kiev. Most delightfully the event is largely remembered by Moussorgsky's Great Gate of Kiev painting by his friend Hartmann submitted as part of a competition.

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