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A ‘Desperate’ Nuland in Africa

A South African official met an unprepared and “desperate” Victoria Nuland, begging for local help rolling back the popular coup in Niger. The recent BRICS conference might give Nuland even more to fret about, reports Anya Parampil.

“In over 20 years working with the Americans, I have never seen them so desperate,” the official told The Grayzone, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Pretoria was well aware of Nuland’s hawkish reputation, but when she arrived in Pretoria, the official described her as “totally caught off guard” by winds of change engulfing the region. The July putsch that saw a popular military junta come to power in Niger followed military coups in Mali and Burkina Faso that were similarly inspired by mass anti-colonial sentiment.


{When Nuland returned to government as a Russia specialist in President Barack Obama’s State Department, she spearheaded the covert campaign to destabilize Ukraine, driving the 2014 Maidan Coup that sparked the country’s ensuing civil conflict and, ultimately, a Western proxy war with Russia that rages to this day.}

As I have stated multiple times previously. The world is changing. The winds of change are essentially due to the actions taken in 2014. Her reward for the mistake was a promotion by Biden within his own administration. BRICS is just now recently getting wider coverage on independent medias. Where you once had too be a regular viewer of RT to be up to date of it. The current conditions reverberating through Africa have brought this new light on.

Under the radar though has been the desperate mode in regards to Latin America. In which many of these countries are also highly showing interest in BRICS. The western powers have over the past year lost two countries to now leftist leaning countries as Nuland was sent to one as a potential threat to only lose, and Columbia who has since regained diplomatic relations with Venezuela. Nuland is seemingly unable to push the forcing of hegemony tactics of the west any longer. And when the amount of money and weapons you have tied up in the manufactured war as big as in Ukraine, your back is against the wall in regards to stretching out into more wars. The facet can only run so long, and Europe's is at a trickle having been basically bled out. Not to mention the citizenship highly opposes being used for the illegal war.

{Thanks to BRICS, Robert Kagan’s notorious blueprint for the U.S. to serve as a “benevolent’ global hegemon may be overtaken by the developing world’s vision for a century that honors the political independence, self-determination, and territorial sovereignty of all states. Will the generation of U.S. officials that comes after Nuland accept Washington’s place in this multipolar world, or will they insist on going down fighting?}

William_Mary 8 Sep 2
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Simply the Peter principle?


It became highly recognizable during the Bush Jr. administration. The crimes and incompetence's of our representation are compliantly hidden by our medias today.

@William_Mary gutless wonders.
But if you have such a scapegoat excuse as Bush as President of the USA it's hardly a role model to be emulated.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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