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Pinnacle of Horror

{There are no words to express what we are witnessing. In the five weeks of horror this is one of the pinnacles of horror. The indifference of Europe is bad enough. The active complicity by the United States is unfathomable.

Nothing justifies this. Nothing. President Joe Biden will go down in history as an accomplice to genocide. May the ghosts of the thousands of children he has participated in murdering haunt him for the rest of his life.

Israel and the United States are sending a chilling message to the rest of the world. International and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Convention, are meaningless pieces of paper. They did not apply in Iraq. They do not apply in Gaza.

-----They never do for any foreign matter-----

We will pulverize your neighborhoods and cities with bombs and missiles. We will wantonly murder your women, children, elderly and sick. We will set up blockades to engineer starvation and the spread of infectious diseases. You, the “lesser breeds” of the earth, do not matter.

To us you are vermin to be extinguished. We have everything. If you try to take any of it away from us, we will kill you. And we will never be held accountable.

We are not hated for our values. We are hated because we have no values. We are hated because rules only apply to others. Not to us. We are hated because we have arrogated to ourselves the right to carry out indiscriminate slaughter.

We are hated because we are heartless and cruel. We are hated because we are hypocrites, talking about protecting civilians, the rule of law and humanitarianism while extinguishing the lives of hundreds of people in Gaza a day, including 160 children.}


I can only hope that by now, after these several weeks, that most people have educated themselves on the nearly century long history of the real story of the horrid, plight, life of Palestinians. Severing themselves from the managed perception that has been delivered by western governments and most of their medias. While the better part of my MSM comes from NPR as I work, which I find to be an echo chamber for the delusional reality we usually get from the MSCMs, I'll give them credit for giving activist and others who are informing us on the conditions and opposing views of the managed perceptions taking place in Gaza. With that said however, the host of various platforms and news on NPR fail to do their job by confronting the managed perception speak when the supporters of Israel, from within or abroad, are essentially offered an open mic to spew their bullshit. History that lead to these conditions on all fronts are basically no where to be heard. Like an empty chamber of he said he said, the false devastating reverberation of sound will just continue to bounce towards more death and destruction.
We will never find peace on this planet as this atmosphere continues to exists.

I warned of Biden, stating that he should be disqualified from running for president for the major role he played in the genocide campaign that was taking place in the east of Ukraine at that time. Him and Nuland's illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government under the direction of the Obama administration. I stated that those who were being visualized as Biden's cabinet members were all past orchestrator's of death and destruction in previous administrations on all levels. Between furthering the Ukraine genocide and now Gaza, in our names, we have reach the most hideous level of inhumane acts that all American's should be ashamed of.

William_Mary 8 Nov 18
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