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Putin Was Declared A War Criminal For Relocating The Same Number Of Children Israel Just Killed

It’s probably worth noting at this point in history that the total number of children killed in Gaza has just surpassed the number of children the International Criminal Court indicted Russian president Vladimir Putin for relocating out of a war zone.

In March of this year — ironically on the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq — ICC judges issued an arrest warrant charging Putin with war crimes in Ukraine. The allegations? The “unlawful deportation” of some six thousand Ukrainian children to a network of “re-education” camps inside Russia.


I find the terminology of “re-education” camps as a harsh misleading way to put it. These children were actually taken out of active war zones and moved to areas where the Russian Federation remodeled multiple buildings in multiple regions for kids to escape the dangerous environments of the war. I staunchly oppose Johnstone's attempt to deceptively correlate the efforts of the Russian Federation as how it was deceptively managed by MSCM in regards to China and their Uyghur population. These schools offered the children a variety of arts, culture, and musical and dance teachings that they could safely continue to work on, or begin, that were erased from their lives under the war conditions around them.

Johnstone leaving that unexplained in this nature is a crime of its own right. We're talking about fascist Ukrainians who have been waging a 11 year genocidal campaign of their own in which they have erased essentially all the factual history of WWll to fit their delusional reality of their fascist ideology, how they joined the German Nazi's, and teach it to their children to glorify that era. And with that has been the attacks on their arts, culture, and various aspects of their musical and dance structure, language, religion, anything of heritage, in regions of a predominantly Russian back ground. While the Israeli government has been waging the very same type of genocide campaign on Palestinians for decades. This should have been used as an essential example of correlating agendas towards full exposure.

{In the 21 months of the war in Ukraine, the UN estimates the number of civilians killed at around ten thousand. The total number of children killed? Around 560.}

The genocidal campaign started in Ukraine in April of 2014. Hardly just 21 months ago. By the time her 21 months started, the numbers were around 15,000 deaths. Men, women, and children had been spending their time trying to survive with little food or water, forced into the basements in most cases, while their homes and local infrastructure was demolished and or taken over for military positions. Shot and killed if they attempting to leave, shot at if they attempted to go out and find food and water. Terrorized and or interrogated, to death in many cases as terrorist or Russian collaborators. The members of the 2 Donbass regions and 2 other regions forced to build their own scrappy militias to attempt to defend their societies without help until her 21 months started. Hundreds of their children lost to fascist ideology.

{The numbers show that Israel is plainly behaving in a way that is far, far more murderous and criminal in Gaza than Russia is in Ukraine, but we good and faithful members of the international community are meant to desire only the Russian leader’s prosecution at The Hague.}

And here, rather than have her eye on her most essential target of the US imperialist, as she does in 99% of her articles, she gives them a pass by blaming Russia as the instigator instead of having come to their defense. The Ukraine fascist government also gets a pass. This is profoundly sickening!

{I have never been particularly interested in defending the Russian government. What I am interested in is opposing the murderousness of the globe-spanning power structure I live under, and all the lies, double standards and hypocrisy used to keep the murders going.}

Obviously not. When you deceptively erased a swath of history in your own way though, you become a traitor to truth within your own right. She rarely, very rarely, exploits how her own government is an arm of the very imperialist global rule. Here she helps the false narratives in regards to Russia while giving another arm, the Ukraine government, a complete pass on their crimes. Which mirror what is happening in Gaza.

William_Mary 8 Nov 24
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Interesting that your post reveals Nothing about what the parents of the "relocated" kids thought.......

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