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America is a System Not a Democracy

This is why America's education ranks at the bottom of developed nations. As a Wikileaks email revealed, the elites "conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry." Translation: Dumb and Subservient.

Are you mad? You should be. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.


You can add all of the MSCMs to that above also. And most of the MSMs that their information filter down to. Various medias that claim to be independent who only spin information in a way to attempt too herd us into any particular party you support. They're all compliant and subservient to the capitalist system.

{By now, hopefully, you understand why lobbyists have taken over the American government and why we really don't have a functional democracy. The System is not a fan of democracy. You really don't think that the psychopathic elite would agree to run their lives and plan their grand strategies on the basis of the needs of millions of pesky little people, do you? Democracy and elections are just nice illusions so that we feel content, be passive, go to work, watch lots of TV, get into debt, spend our money on things we don't need and, most importantly, believe in the righteousness of the System.}

Lobbyist work for corporations, they don't work for us or the facade of democracy projected at us. Lobbyist operate much like think tanks, NGOs, and public relation firms, which are bought and work for the ruling class who develop 80% of the news content MSCMs pass down to us. Lobbyist are the paths to our representation for the ruling class who buy that representation and dictate how that representation deliver the sell to the American citizenship, as a vast majority of it only serves the ruling class. In which our top tier of representation spends more time begging for money for their campaigns than they do representing us to keep their status quo. They're virtually imprisoned with a boot over their heads that can come down at any moment if they aren't compliant to the system.

The mass deception going on in the media today in regards to Gaza is a prime example of a betrayal to the citizenship of not only the US but the world citizenship. For Ukraine it was fairly understandable considering most didn't know the vast history of the region as it was twisted to fit a false narrative and systemic agenda. There's no excuse today. Most everyone knows the decades long warnings put on Israel for their over reactions to simple protest and rallies. Excuses at a drop of a rock for mass killings, purposely targeting journalist, medical personnel, women and children. Decades of over looking these matters lead to compliance to middle east wars built on lies and deceit. It has to stop, and people need to start being more verbal about it publicly and among their circles. This delusional reality must end!

I've explain all this with added detail and help from the sources I use here. All the reasoning has been provided for anyone and everyone to be pissed off. If you aren't pissed off and dissent from what is happening to your fellow Americans, and what they do around the globe in our name, you're either ignorant or simply dumb and subservient. Especially today. What is happening in Gaza is a profound exclamation mark on what I've been covering in regards to the Ukraine issue for several years. That's just in regards to the past 10 years. 20 years ago they sent our own off to be murdered with scores of them brought back home maimed and mentally suffering for this system. We all should have been pissed a long time ago. Enough to have never allowed this past 10 years to have happened. We're all guilty. If you're not ashamed to be an American today, you're heartless, just like the ruling class running this system. I'm profoundly discussed to tears on many occasions!

William_Mary 8 Dec 23
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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