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Russiagate & Gaza

Instead of criticizing a government credibly accused of genocide, a leading Democrat applies a debunked partisan smear to pro-Palestine protesters and wants the F.B.I. to investigate them, writes Elizabeth Vos.

Just a few years ago, the Russiagate narrative dominated the news sphere: anyone who questioned the status quo was labeled a Putin puppet or a Russian bot, including American journalists.

In recent months, Israeli officials have similarly labeled anyone and any organization who opposes them as anti-Semitic or Hamas sympathizers, even going so far as to label the International Court of Justice anti-Semitic.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took both narratives a step further over the weekend, calling on the F.B.I. to investigate pro-Palestinian protests for alleged financial ties to Russia.

Her statements came in the wake of the ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which stated that there is prima facie evidence of Israel committing genocide in Gaza though the ruling stopped short of ordering a cessation of Israel’s military actions in the strip.

Instead of turning away from Israel, as one might expect if a nation is credibly accused of genocide, Pelosi attempted to deflect from Israel’s guilt and its loss of support among the U.S. public by blaming pro-Palestinian protests on Russia, and specifically Russian President Vladimir Putin.


{In 2016 the Democratic Party undercut democracy in their primary, then circulated false allegations of Russian election interference for years after establishment-favorite Hillary Clinton lost the presidency to Donald Trump.

Anyone who pointed out the obvious fallacies of the Russiagate narrative was labeled a purveyor of Russian talking points, including the editor of Consortium News.

Thousands of young people, many of whom were not politically engaged in the era of Russiagate, are now seeing through the pro-Israel propaganda.

U.S. President Joe Biden is suffering in the polls, particularly among young Democrats and Arab-Americans, because of his administration’s complicity in genocide, no matter what deflection former Speaker Pelosi attempts.}

This is the profoundly sad thing about the American voters. Recently there has been an emphasis put on Biden's drop in the polls. Some suggest there is a chance he won't make it to the election cycle. But like Trump, only death I think could prevent this. Because each one will get a pass on their crimes and go on to the election cycle. We might see a drop in voting this time due to the indication of disgust from those mentioned above. Maybe more votes for a 3rd party candidate. Jill Stein running gain this time, I'm sure the Russian false narrative about her is waiting in the wings to be dropped again. But all of you who think you have it all figured out within your indoctrinated complacency will go out again and vote for the lesser of evil to help them to continue with the growing viciousness of a failing capitalist world. The entire world citizenship and planet will again be the loser. So go right ahead and vote for the lesser worst of the worst.

I've been doing this in this community for approximately 7 years now. As I watched a recent CrossTalk the other night it dawned on me as the subject of the American voter came up that most never learn. When attempting to debate with most on my post it's the same results in most cases. Much of it I sure is because many of you probably don't even read the articles to apply your own intellect to. Narratives and context are changed that void the facts inside the articles. Repeated false rhetoric is like an instant food source to combat information attempting to be delivered. Making it obviously clear you either didn't read it, couldn't comprehend the information, couldn't spend the a couple to few minutes, but do have the time to echo what they planted in you. Entirely missing the narrative and agenda of the group, incapable of developing an intellectual debate to what the group is about and could be wrong that the post correlates with. For 7 years I've pin pointed illusion after illusion here and most remain within a manufactured illusion and virtual lives remain imprisoned.

At points we ask ourselves whether this moment is the moment people finally have seen and had enough. In our names off our backs, enough? My intelligence has been insulted enough? The next day we find the answer is alway no. Eventually, they send our children out to their deaths gain because we've done nothing. Some of us lost more family members in Iraq this week in one way or another because we've done nothing. We're a nation of sacrificial lambs at this moment in time. While thousands are being killed each day for a representation of agendas go on but ours is void useless. That's the illusion I'm attempting to expose with the help of the many genuine independent investigative journalist and journalist I share.

William_Mary 8 Feb 3
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I don't understand why the parallels of McCarthyism, Watergate, Weapons of Mass Destruction etc. are not being equally recognised.

None so deluded as the totally brainwashed?

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