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You Can’t Be A “Lesser Evil” When You’re Sponsoring A Genocide

You don’t get to apply the label “lesser evil” to a president who is backing a literal genocide. That’s not a thing.

If you were to make a list of the absolute worst things a powerful leader can do, genocide and carelessness with nuclear brinkmanship should be on the very top of that list. Biden has done both of these. You can’t legitimately call such a person a “lesser evil”.


But then there's people who apparently have no feelings. A lot of people who have no feelings. It's beyond cognitive dissonance. For some it's even seemingly imbecilic.

Let us talk about Biden only backing a genocide campaign now. 10 years ago come April, Biden was a primary instigator, supporter, and funder of starting a genocide campaign in the Donbass region of Ukraine under the Obama administration that like in Gaza reached all 5 aspects of the definition. He has been a primary player in multiple genocides on some level throughout his entire career as a US representative in multiple countries. Our entire national assembly of representatives, past and current, are all genocidal criminals.

What's the moral of this story you might ask. When going just from the 80s under the Reagan administration to present time, there have been multiple genocide campaigns falsely manufactured throughout multiple countries at various levels. Entering Oct of 2001, larger grotesque genocide campaigns for the profits of the military complex and ruling class became full fledge genocide campaigns reaching all 5 aspects of the definition of. Throughout this period up to today, our own families were forced to be accomplices of these crimes. With thousands killed while doing so. 10s of thousands mentally and physically harmed. Each day now still, with more of them taking their own lives.

These genocide campaigns have also played a part in diminishing our societies throughout the westernized countries more and more each time. The fiat system under us is and has been maxed out beyond any sense of reaching stabilization now. It's essentially the largest ponzi scheme in history being played out on us at our cost. It will get worse. While the middle class is being reduced, more millionaires are also being created. As this continues, the reduction of lower and middle income families must continue to fall through the cracks. It will happen through multiple market crashes and the continuation of growing immigration due to western policies abroad. And the only means to continue to use this system is more of the same.

Our representatives and their medias aren't exposing the true nature and results of those foreign policies causing immigrates to move to other countries. Which began happening on a vast global scale with the illegal invasion of the Middle East. Conditions in Central and South America have become so dire on top of that. Oppression with the help of manufactured warring conditions throughout the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America is a worldwide genocide campaign being played out without the clarity being addressed. It's being used as a political deception towards making the immigrants out as an enemy towards political divide among voters. In Latin America their countries have been purposely turned into shit holes over several decades, in regards to Africa centuries, and left as such for the profits of the ruling class. That's one aspect of genocide, oppression. Forcing those who can manage to, to migrate aboard. Aspect two. When lives are taken during a sense of revolt or protest, aspect three. We are witnessing what is the largest genocide campaign ever that has gone worldwide over the past 20 years in which is also being used to diminish our societies that we are being punished for. That puts us in a genocide campaign on its own level. We're slowly being killed off on various levels, moved to the streets, some to other places to continue to work, while we can. And that is going purposely unnoticed because we no longer have a media performing the responsibilities as a check and balance to the system. They our now fully owned by and work for the system. While we fall undivided.

William_Mary 8 Feb 25
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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