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Putin defeated US plan for Russia – Nuland

The arch-neocon has told CNN that Washington wanted a compliant leader installed in Moscow

Vladimir Putin’s Russia is “not the Russia that we wanted,” Acting US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has told CNN. Nuland explained that Washington wanted a compliant leader in the Kremlin who would “westernize” the country.

“It’s not the Russia that, frankly, we wanted,” Nuland told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Thursday. “We wanted a partner that was going to be westernizing, that was going to be European. But that’s not what Putin has done.”


{Putin’s predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, enjoyed Washington’s support as he oversaw the rushed privatization of the Russian economy in the 1990s. Yeltsin’s reforms saw the rise of the so-called ‘oligarchs’, who amassed huge fortunes selling Russia’s natural resources to Western buyers, while the majority of the population dealt with declining life expectancy, soaring crime and homicide rates, and the collapse of the ruble.

Putin, who first took office in 2000, is widely credited with taming the oligarchs, imposing public order, and reversing the economic and social decline of the 1990s. Putin initially sought friendly relations with the West, telling American journalist Tucker Carlson earlier this month that he asked then-US President Bill Clinton whether Russia could one day join NATO, only to be rejected.}

I've talked about how Putin was being prepped to be the next puppet of Russia on occasions by Yeltsin and Clinton. The results of Gorbachev and Yeltsin with their bowing down to the west on the country. The fact is that Russia could never become a genuine alley of the west and remain sovereign. As a partner of the west you relinquish all control to the international ruling elite, as described above. And the end result is always what you also read above. There's very few exceptions in this regard. But there is almost always a rise in poverty, crime, and fluctuation in social status in regards to social benefits and infrastructure for examples. Culture, rights, language, and freedom of religion often become targets also within especially multi-layered countries. Any opposing political parties in some cases. Ukraine is a perfect example today. Some 11 to 13 opposition parties have been banned and the election cycle canceled. The people of Ukraine are now essentially servants to a broadly fascist political atmosphere.

Exceptions considered may be Japan and European countries. European countries came out of WWll with better social programs and employment benefits, than we have ever seen in the US. Higher taxes yes, but with better paying jobs and work hours. Those have all been diminishing since the manufactured war on terrorism though. Japans markets flux and restrict improvements as ours, for basically the same reasons. Corporate crime is high there like ours.

Russia's refusal to bow to the west cements them only into being falsely labeled as an enemy. Same as with China. It won't change without full servitude. Using their resources to promote a better operating society and a firmer equality among citizens will not be tolerated. Using their growth towards society and technological advances are a threat to the west. The international elite wants everyone and place to be weak and controllable.

{A combination of NATO expansion, American support for jihadist groups in the Caucuses, and Nuland’s orchestration of the coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014 made it clear that the US and its allies were not interested in cooperation, Putin told Carlson.}

From developing terrorist groups in the Middle East under the Carter administration up to today having been expanded into Africa, and paramilitary groups in Latin America under Reagan, in both cases orchestrated by the CIA, created unrest across the globe terrorizing societies into servitude. Beginning sometime if the 90s, as Robert Parry exposed from Consortium News, NGOs, think tanks, and various foundations run by billionaires began taking over these particular actions, now called coulor revolutions to create opposition to democratically elected governments and manufacture unrest in given societies to be taken over. Ukraine was a textbook example of how it works in which was highlighted in the documentary--Ukraine on Fire. Which detailed the orchestrated chaos from late 2013 into 2014. How the groups had began forming that worked for the west and these NGOs, think tanks, and billionaires around 2009. Inciting fascist groups in western Ukraine by funding the training towards violent protest that inevitably came in the Maidan Revolution of 2014. After the illegal overthrow they carried this violence into the Donbass region against opposing Russian citizens in Odessa.

Nuland lost and she knows it. Any more money for Ukraine will simply be money wasted and burnt on the battle field. That is, what ever part of that money that doesn't end up in the pocket of criminals. And what doesn't come straight back to weapons manufacturers. Ukraine has been nothing more than a cash cow for the ruling class for 2 years now. Which basically made the previous 8 years such also when Putin finally decided to step in and defend the 5 regions voting to return to the Russian Federation.

Putin 2---West 0 I'll say this again. Many armies have tried to take Russia down over the centuries. And they all hand their asses handed to them. And on a couple of occasions those armies came close to the heart of Russia but to no avail. I'm fairly certain the only way Russia goes down will have to be a result of nuclear war. And they have a couple of republics neighboring them who'll fight like hell beside them who hate fascist also. And to them all of the western allies are an evil fascist conglomerate. Just ask any surviving Ukrainian soldier who experienced fighting against the Chechens how that works. There's probably a significant number of them sitting in prison somewhere to ask. Or back home with wounds of war from prisoner exchanges who want nothing more to do with Chechens.

William_Mary 8 Feb 25
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Very true.

This particularly resonates: "The international elite wants everyone and place to be weak and controllable." - including the US populace.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 25, 2024

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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