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MSM Target Galloway at Victory Party

A victory bash for the people of Rochdale descended into chaos when hit teams of MSM reporters took the prime minister’s cue to go after the newly elected member of Parliament.

“I despise the prime minister,” Galloway told them Friday night. “I don’t respect him at all. You keep referring to the prime minister as if that’s supposed to impress me,” Galloway told one reporter.

He called Sunak’s speech outside No. 10 “a melodramatic pantomime.” Galloway said:

“He questioned not only our election victory, but more significantly, the right of the British people to peacefully protest against a slaughter in Gaza. … He deliberately tried to conflate protests and demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people, most of them not Muslims by the way, — he tried to make it a Muslim thing, but it isn’t a Muslim thing, … hundreds of thousands of people … demonstrating their revulsion at the slaughter in Gaza and the support for it from the British government, the British Labour opposition and the vast majority of the British media. Hundreds of thousands have marched, but millions share their revulsion.”


I don't see chaos in the video. I seen a significant degree of discontent from his supporters though for the medias obvious orchestrated attack. His supporters did nothing more than handle themselves civilly while George exposed their compliant hypocrisy of echoing useless rhetoric which was most likely talking points handed down from their bosses.

When George finally made his way to address his supporters, he delivered comments everyone should recognize by now that medias should be doing. In which he applied the correct context to a false narrative delivered by the current PM's statements which you'll read in the article. Exposing how such politicians work to deceive people, rather than work for the people. Which I highlighted above. Our MSMs and political arenas in the US are committing the same crimes. Most westernized countries falling in line.

As I have been attempting to disclose for a while now, the European citizenship isn't allowing the illusion to fully engulf them without voicing their opinions. Protest are wide and in large numbers as George states. Our MSMs in the US are purposely suppressing that information because the ruling elite here fear it will carry over.

As I have also attempted to disclose, you'll only see such actions in Europe through RT live news programs and RT articles. Where we can find a vast information link to the world abroad within their coverage. Africa also being a major link for information on that continent. Africa is in their news on a daily basis. Observing the knowledge of the world abroad that RT provides plays an important part of understanding what we're facing at home, filling in the gapes. By teaching us here at home what we are being suppressed from learning.

You're missing how the rest of the world is moving on to unite while the west falters. And the citizens in Europe are vastly aware of how the past 2 years that, that faltering has drastically effected their societies negatively. The up tick of the war in Ukraine especially, and Gaza as a horrendous exclamation mark.

While at home here in the US, we're again facing a recurrence of having our intelligence being insulted with the probability of an election choice of only Biden and Trump. Two known criminals, unethical practicing politicians, who will continue more of the same no matter which side of that coin is showing at the end when it hits the filth of the DC ground. We're being lied to on all aspects of Ukraine and Gaza as they again to prepare to spend more money on a lost hegemony war and a second genocide campaign. I assure you this is all an agenda to get through this next election. No matter what side you're taking, we lose. The world loses.

We currently alone are holding back the world from the grotesque nature of destruction and deaths going on. And all eyes are on us to help change that where others are already attempting to make change. We need to take back that leading role of the world and do it now. Today, we're seen as the monster of the world that the international ruling elite have set us up to be.

William_Mary 8 Mar 3
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