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Liberal cowards join in the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in favor of Trump

This judicial overreach is plainly designed not only to shield Trump from future challenges to his eligibility, but also to shield Trump’s many accomplices in the coup attempt, who to this day remain in leading positions in the Republican Party. The ruling was so extreme that even Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a Trump appointee, was compelled to author a concurring opinion to distance herself from it.

The majority’s interpretation of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, passed in the aftermath of the Civil War to bar the participants of the slaveholders’ rebellion from returning to power, is so contrary to the plain meaning of the words that the result is to “effectively erase the words from the constitutional page,” in the words of David French in the New York Times.

If the word “insurrection” has any meaning, it applies to the far-reaching, deadly and sophisticated plot to overturn the election and install Trump as dictator on January 6, 2021.


{This is not a legal reason to rule in Trump’s favor—it is merely an assertion of collective political and personal cowardice. They effectively state: “We have to rule in favor of the would-be American Führer because if we don’t, his accomplices will cause chaos and aggravate the danger of civil war.”}

No, Trump gave a sense of legitimacy to his fascist and nationalist criminal followers during his 2016 campaign then and thereafter, and now the SCOTUS has also. And seemingly most of them are to fucking stupid to recognize how they were used in 2016 and are willing to sacrifice themselves again. We're all paying for it in some regard. Some paid with their lives. And there's a high probability more will again.

😟 In an effort to achieve bipartisan unity behind the US-NATO war against Russia over Ukraine, US/Israeli genocide in Gaza, and US military provocations against China over Taiwan, the Democrats have not only refused to fight the insurrectionist Republicans, but have instead courted them as allies. In so doing they have strengthened and rehabilitated Trump, who is expected to win the Republican Party nomination in this year’s elections, if not the November election itself. 😟

William_Mary 8 Mar 9
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