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Repression of Campus Palestine Solidarity Reveals the Nature of the State

Campus protests in solidarity with Palestine have been met with brute police force and condemnation of the participants. Their mobilization is a threat to the political system, which cannot operate as the ruling class would like if large numbers of people engage in active dissent.

The repression being carried out against students protesting Israel’s genocide against the people of Gaza encompasses many different issues and indicates that repression overall is escalating against the entire population. We see official efforts at censorship, the nexus between wealth and higher education, bought off elected officials obeying the dictates of imperialism, and evidence that any claims of substantive differences within the duopoly are fiction.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has secured her place as the fake progressive cover girl for Joe Biden, simultaneously endorsing him and also appearing at the Columbia University encampment in an effort to shore up support with those still foolish enough to take her seriously. We see outright compliance with a fascistic state and phony efforts that do the same but appear not to do so.

It isn’t difficult to see why. Columbia and schools like it have endowments in the billions of dollars. They provide a source of well-educated servants for the ruling class. The relationship is clear when billionaires like Columbia alumnus Robert Kraft announce that they will suspend contributions. They are not giving away fortunes so that students can be radicalized. Their goal is to accomplish the opposite, to produce conformity and adherence to neo-liberal and imperialist policies which are given legitimacy with the stamp of approval from people with all the right credentials.

Politicians are also recipients of this largesse. The same people who fund their alma maters with big money are also funding political careers for the people who will be their errand boys and errand girls in times of need.


Follow the money. These protest are a lead example of how our entire social construct towards understanding how the system works in western governments. The ruling class owns freedom and democracy. You have to betray your ethics and morality to be in the club. To be a slave to their club. As they betray the terms of those attributes at will to benefit from our society and you that they bought. When you've see these politicians stand outside a collage speaking towards the actions happening, our representation in the media, it wasn't just meant for the students and civilians who joined them, it was also us they were speaking at. They don't donate money to produce a better society, they're buying the society to insure it operates the way it benefits them. There isn't any room for freedom and democracy in that. If it takes manufacturing enemies and killing innocent people to do it, so be it. The protesters have become another falsely manufactured enemy who have had their rights taken away from them for speaking out against their fascist actions of breaking the sensible ethics and moral laws we're held to.

It's all lined out in the article. Enjoy learning what our worth truly is. It's worth what ever they say it is at any given moment. Kiss the boot or get kicked by the boot. So much for --- see something, say something.

!!!Students in the Palestine solidarity encampments are following in the best traditions of civil disobedience. Scenes of them pushing back against police, risking arrest and prosecution and suspension and expulsion, bringing this issue to the front of public consciousness must be supported in every way possible!!!

William_Mary 8 May 4
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