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What are your thoughts on non BRICS country's citizens being able to have BRICSPay debit cards?

I notice that @Puff has just recently posted several videos on the new BRICSPay card with explanation on use & methodology. . . "The new BRICS payment system is here."

I must admit that as I'm currently indulging in disposal of my very small surplus income (shopoholic indulgence) by purchases from China that a means of paying for them by use of BRICSPay card would be very appealing in order to remove the profiteering from Jewish controlled banks & US Federal Reserve.
I'm sure that there are a lot of individual citizens in all countries who now feel the same.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 19
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You have to be very careful and informed on buying from especially from Russia and China from within the BRICS system. First of all, laws against buying due to sanctions. Secondly, tariffs. For an example. If I wanted to buy an EV from China, which has been describe as the best EV on the market, one of their $30,000 cars, to have it shipped into the US I'd actually would end up paying $60,000 for it due to 100% tariffs placed on the vehicle by the US. You may end up buying products you can't receive? I don't know what your laws are on your twilight island over there though. Other than that I know your government has been at a sort of confrontation with China for a while now. And so to say with Russia also. Whether you can go around them by using Latin American countries to be shipped from.

Lol. I said small as in less than $100 bags of consumer goodies. I've had far greater disappointement from American purchases most of which come from China not USA The current mail order system is incredible in that delivery from China is guaranteed within 10 days including the vagaries of our AustPost carrier. Missing & damaged goods are usually refunded instantly & when human intervention has been needed it has been extremely polite, courteous & helpful. I compare this to a $100 item from a US company that was not only 3 or 4 months late but was the incorrect item. Ive had no response to my emailed complaint sent about 2 months ago. Furthermore the item is not fit for purpose being underpowered.
I've been buying all my phones the last 8 or so years direct from the Hong Kong manufacturer & have neen well pleased with quality, delivery speed & on the 2 occasions needed rectification of goods sent.

I've never had occasion to be attracted to Russian goods.

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