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From Obama to Trump: the Grand Deception of Cyclical Change #YesTheyCon


I sure wish people would stop idolizing these political pricks and finding their identities through politics. Think about this for a minute, the debases (I refuse to call them elites) are insulting their adherents when they dismissively call their most loyal voters “the base”. The base is something you step on and build on top of. They are using our collective backs to build their mansions and leaving us with just hope for change.

William_Mary 8 June 6
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Wow! Great article! Really speaks the truth. The two party system is a system of control.

Bakunin Level 7 June 8, 2018

+1 on not idolizing politicians. They are just managers of public life. Having said all of that comparing Trump to Obama is a stretch. Obama at least did not have a tenuous relationship with facts and reality.

Atlantis Level 2 June 6, 2018

Ever heard of verbal diarrhoea,

magicwatch Level 7 June 6, 2018

In the case of Trump it's his tweeter. Somebody please cut of that POS's tweeter.


I like the point about not finding identity through politics. A temptation for all people, regardless of politics. So, where do you find your identity?

Lydiaeli Level 6 June 6, 2018

Through politics. Being against political structures is a political opinion as well. Look at his posts.

Political identity? I would suggest the first thing to do is to weigh your position on what you see and hear that's going on around you, the world. I'm in the same boat as the writer of this article, Teodrose Fikre, with Obama even. I voted for change. 2 years with all 3 houses under his belt and the democrats sat on their hands. Imagine what they could have done if they used the same trickery the republicans use while in power. Change rules on the floor while voting, force a majority vote in the senate, for gods sake, create an investigation into suspicious actions. You never hear of the democrats forcing an investigation into anything anymore!?! All we got was, I'm willing to work with the republicans. How many times did we hear that even though as Obama was being sworn in they were already supposedly working against him. He followed foot lock in step with the agenda Bush left him. They are as they say, 2 wings on the same bird. Sanders con was my last straw. Quite frankly, if anyone came out of the last election cycle without realizing we are being hood winked by the entire system, they're totally ignorant to the realm of reality of what's being perpetrated onto mankind. It takes a lot of work to start getting that picture of reality. And the most important thing to do is to get yourself better news sources! Outside of the main stream media from independent sources that aren't being bought by the 6 billionaires that own over 90% of the news most Americans get. Once you start weighing in what you learn from those sources compared to the MSM, you can start to develop a new identity that fits your, dare I say soul, here. So to speak, if I may. I think that's what he means when he says, (For God’s sake, learn to think for yourself and be independent!) We already have our identity. But within politics many of us are letting the MSM and the establishment dictate what they want us to think and know. When there's a totally different reality out there being hidden from us.

@lonniebjackson was that directed at me or the writer? Both? Either way I don't think it's a matter of being against political structures, especially in my case. I'm against political structures that only serve for the most part a few while the majority are left to feeding and serving the few. Imagine what a purgatory we would have had during the last election cycle if humans were left with no governing!

@lonniebjackson3 my favorite thing about this site is that the discussion is about ideas and life, not about other people and members.

@Lydiaeli but you asked him... nevermind

@Lydiaeli, @William_Mary I was just saying it's ironic that you seem pretty politically motivated in your other posts when you posted that. nothing bad about it. I just thought it was funny.

@lonniebjackson3 yes, I did ask everyone who wanted to respond where they find their identity. I did Not ask your opinion about him.


Obama and Trump are hired help, and I judge them by the quality of the job they do. Obama did not quite as bad as I had feared, and Trump is so far doing much better than I had expected.

doug6352 Level 7 June 6, 2018
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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