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Our Connective Existence: If Only We Could be Governed by Our Hearts:


(It seems as though the entire planet has been conditioned to accept the ideology of self and trained to seek individuality above the collective whole. This singular focus on β€œme” has a devastating impact, instead of thriving as a community, we are taught to succeed on our own.)

You might be able to relate this back to a time where neighbors were more influential within the neighborhood and communicated more often with each other. Especially within smaller communities where you once had small businesses they tended to run into each other. More often produced by the women at a time when they were more homemakers than today's source of income. I know that sounds wrong, but that's what it's been reduced to, or raised to, depending on how you look at it.

I drive for a scrap steel company, but was actually part of an independent trucking company this nationwide company bought out. It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride from the buy out to today. Eventually they quit leasing the old building and yard we were at from my old boss and moved us to the nearest local scrap yard. By this time we were down to only 3 drivers. That's another whole nightmare I won't go into though. I'm attempting to tie this article into the what I see as the corporate effect. Being I think we might view this as a result of trickle down from the corporate policies. At least mine. The transportation department is also right there across from the yard in which they moved our then office manager to, Lisa. Very territorial when it came to now having to work with another bought out trucking company and move from her very private little office, to now have to share her day with others. It was quite the adjustment for her. Her first bitch was how no one there ever talked to each other. Came in morning and gone at the end of the day like no one even existed with them in the building. She was very use to pretty much running our company. Some of her job having been deleted and passed to other people around the country making it hard for her to take care of her drivers. That was the other bitch she had. Trying to get information to get proper permits and licenses etc in on time now depended of other people. While making calls to try to get things done she was often told to just do what she's to do and let other do what they do. Well, that just doesn't work to well when everyone is spread out around the country. We often run into speed bumps, and not the kind in lots and driveways. And we kind of just got use to it and go with the flow now?

William_Mary 8 July 15
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I call it " The Cult of Ayn Rand". Her pathetic worshippers have made a mess of the world. Individualism is narcissism. Just a style of thinking perpetuated by repubs, ancaps, libcaps and modern day fascists. Fuck em all.

Bakunin Level 7 July 16, 2018

I was unable to open the article, but what you are describing is happening everywhere. Even union jobs in many states no longer have raises to get people to top pay, we pay more for insurance, it really is trickle up benefits with less for workers and consumers.
We are not a collective society and have destroyed many who are. Native Americans, Cental and South Americans, for instance.

gigihein Level 8 July 15, 2018

I think I fixed it, for now. I've been having a hell of a time with links here for some reason over a period of about 3 weeks now. Words in my post come up missing, or letters missing. Addresses in my links get add on's or partly taken out to make them bad. I have even gone back and fixed them as many times as 3 in a day for them to only go bad again.

@William_Mary Got it. I really like this publication.

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