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The coming collapse of the American economic system with Richard Wolff


They joined unions and socialist parties. I will again argue that the only party that can to bring real change to our country is the Green Party. The only party willing to create another jobs incentive platform using green technology, leading towards infrastructure updates, like in FDR's time. Our 2 party establishment is holding us back from advancing for the profit of worldwide war. Which basically capitalism's only savior right now. It is essential we get past the false narrative rhetoric being directed at the Green Party to overcome our continued sinking middle class.

William_Mary 8 July 15
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Here's another idea that might solve the problem of having to split the vote over to the Greens who may not have enough mind share to win: Hijack the Democratic party. Check out this article that essentially codifies what Bernie Sander's campaign started to do within the democratic party. It's essentially what is happening with candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other left-leaners who have been winning dem seats. I think it might work:


And yes, the traditional corportate/Clinton democrats are playing us. Trump's win, and to some extent Obama before (remember "Hope and Change) are proof America wants something different.

4Humanity Level 4 July 28, 2018

The problem with that theory is the admittance of it's loyalty to the oligarchy is its own admission it will not change. As stated in the first thing I saw on this page. " The Democratic Party is hopelessly corporate, but election law is stacked against third parties. The Left needs an independent organization that can stay flexible about running as Democrats but behaves with the discipline of a real party. Also within that is mentioned, "law". The use of the word law in this manor is an attempt to manage your perception that a 3rd party can't win. When combined with the few other false narratives used towards 3rd parties, especially the green party, it attempts to take dominant control of the reality of conversation. There is no law holding anyone back from from voting for the green party! Mass voting for the green party trumps the establishments corrupt electoral PROCESS! As you might notice, it's a process, not a law! There for the left has an independent organization already in place. But as the tail end of that statement goes, leads you right back to the corruption we've already determined is corrupt and will not change. Are there laws restricting the green party from advancing? Yes. But the green party was on the national ballot of every state in 2016. There were no laws restricting you from voting for Jill Stein. They worked endlessly and tirelessly to provide you with an alternative. All on grass roots support. Which leads me to the people who want change. You have to work to get it. The green party is growing around the country due to people in the areas that want change by going out and working to get the green party installed into their elections. The only thing holding them back is the managed perception the media and establishment hold over so many. While everyone comes up with a brilliant idea of creating another party or alternative to the democratic party, there's already been one for decades now. It's a god dam ploy to keep you trapped in the same god dam illusion of the establishment! And they're using Sanders and now this Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as bait to keep us there. Obviously this Seth Ackerman has a thing for her, or to use her. Sanders showed his true colors, and her's have been slowly coming out. As I'm going through this article, it's basically mirroring what I'm saying while at the same time promoting my answers to it. And a lot of wasted time with history lessons. Which is probably a means for a reader to tire quickly and close it out leaving with a distorted managed perception we need a new party, again. I started following this site a while back and quickly realized it was agenda bound. I just can't put my finger on who's agenda it's out to serve though. I'm fairly certain it's not for the benefit of the people though. It's to bad Seth didn't stick it out with the green party. With an attempt to provide an answer to fighting the establishment, I walked away from this article provided with no answer. He basically keeps leading me back to supporting the same flawed system and people within it. His last paragraph essentially mirrors my claim above when he mentions the striking teachers. You have to fight and work for what you want.


I am a big Richard Wolff fan and wish capitalism an early end, but I'm still concerned that voting Green could erode the chances to remove Trump and his cohorts. I admit to being a Bernie fan, so I'm not immune from going against the mainstream. But convince me that going Green isn't going too far toward keeping the Republicans in power.

4Humanity Level 4 July 16, 2018

Those 2 parties are playing us. They have an agenda to keep us divided as they strive towards the same goals. And the media helps them do this. Over 90% of our media is owned by 6 mega billionaires that contribute to those 2 parties. It's really a system of managed perception towards making us believe how they want us to see the world, while they slowly move us in the direction of perpetual world war and take control of as much of our aspects to life as possible. And a large part of that entails shrinking the middle class and dumbing down the population with false repetitive news. Also keeping any sense of a socialist country to succeed, in which you have the situation there is in Venezuela. That is why Robert Parry left main stream media due to the strife he faced while covering the wars in Central America. You can read about him here. []

If you go back to the Reagan administration and take a careful mind towards where we are today, you can get a sense of how we now have basically 2 republican parties. And each president since then has not only failed to practice their policy claims as they ran for office, but merely carried on the same agenda. More wars, less freedom and rights are the 2 most devastating results we have gotten. Growing inequality and politics that really only serve the rich, worse, the most wealthy. Both parties are working to take us backwards. Here's an article from Caitlin Johnston. But you can search my post and find about the same story from other writers and journalist that tell this same story in other ways. If it wasn't late I'd be glad to do it for you. Or would this weekend digging up some of them for you. I just happen to be up late because I can't sleep. This news today has me feeling really disturbed by the MSM and populations reactions. Anyways, she goes into the FCC thing then a couple other issues. But you can add any issue to the talking point and actually get basically the same results.

Dems And GOP Work Together Like A Boxer’s 1–2 Punch To Knock You Out


It really doesn't matter which party is in control when they both are taking us in the same direction. So the question then becomes, why stay with either if neither are serving for you?

Here, here!

The “Here, here” was meant for 4Humanities post above, not for William_Mary’s comment. Just to be clear.

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