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How the Russiagate Conspiracy Benefits Those in Power


(Within weeks, the Washington Post (11/24/16) was publicizing the website, which purports to help users differentiate sources as fake or genuine, as an invaluable tool in the battle against fake news (, 12/1/16, 12/8/16). The website soberly informs its readers that you see news sources critiquing the “mainstream media,” the EU, NATO, Obama, Clinton, Angela Merkel or other centrists are a telltale sign of Russian propaganda. It also claims that when news sources argue against foreign intervention and war with Russia, that’s evidence that you are reading Kremlin-penned fake news.)

Fair attempting to step outside of mainstream media, ha. The problem with political discussion is that most people work within ignorance. I'm sorry, no I'm not, it has to be said. I get a lot of this ignorance due to those that read only the main title to an article, then comment as though they know the entire substance within it. At best, they may actually read a little, until it goes to deep against their manged perception of delusional truth. Then the cognitive dissonance takes over. It's so bad with some it doesn't matter how much evidence you provide, they still will state any, (add a political talking point here) then use the lesser of 2 evils as a measure of complacency. I tried my heart out with this election cycle. I was astonished to the history people were willing to overlook to be willing to vote for their know evil candidate. And time gone, although signs are better, the amount still trapped in that illusion even though we've had the evidence, and lack of, beating us upside the head like a 2X4 since. What does it take to get these people to simple ask themselves, how did we get here? And start thinking, maybe those people were right, maybe I need new sources of news. Once you delve into these new sources, after a period of time, it starts clicking. You have to follow the links inside the articles. Might have to do some research at DuckDuckGo to get a refresh course of history. A lot of interesting shit we've done over the decades you can find now thanks to the freedom of information act independent journalist use. The real one's anyways.

(PropOrNot claims it has identified over 200 popular websites that “routinely peddle…Russian propaganda.&rdquo😉

So let me see if I have this right. While making the claim Trump was a Russian troll/minion, their constant free non stop promotion of him wouldn't be considered, Russian propaganda? hmmmmm

(The message is clear: The progressive wave rising across America is and will be a consequence of Russia, not of the failures of the system, nor of the Democrats.)

I guess I need to learn my Russian!

William_Mary 8 July 27
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