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‘Too Big to Fail’: Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack


(Russia-gate, in a phrase, has become too big to fail.)

William_Mary 8 Aug 26
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Some things take time. Recall that everybody slowly discussed every aspect of Bill Clinton's blow job for 2 years.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 26, 2018

False statement in the report: "No evidence proving responsibility in the Skripal case has yet been produced."

The truth is that the public have not been shown the intelligence, however the American Government and the Governments of the European Union States have been given enough of the intelligence to sanction Russia for its use of chemical weapons within a foreign territory. These steps are not taken as lightly or as foolishly as the article writer assumes.

rcandlish Level 7 Aug 26, 2018

If you're not shown, how does that make it fact? Iraq intelligence from your country and mine told us they had WMD's. Powell put on a good show for us. What did your country do to persuade you? It's also been said any manufacturer with the ingredients, which many do have, could have made that substance/poison. Intelligence given by who? Studies I've read in about 3 articles to this story have determined they don't know where it came from. And the story has gone dead since people started talking about keeping the daughter without any outside contact.

@William_Mary The fact that the European Union unanimously denounced Russia indicates that in this case the facts existed to prompt action. You must understand, that as Europeans we are not anti Russia. Were the Soviets more law abiding and less mafioso, they would have a place in the European fold. Unfortunately they are stuck in an imperialistic dream, and their policies betray the fact.

Since the Skripal incident, the case has become a murder story. An English woman has died, and her partner has gone blind since they came into contact with the bottle that originally contained the toxin. Reports indicate that CCTV footage have revealed two Russian suspects that have since left the UK for Russia.

Regarding the Russiangate fiasco in America, its all a bit like a Hanna Barbara cartoon. Cheap and predictable. You're going to have to outgrow the Repulicons and the Demothugs to be taken seriously beyond your shores. Old Cicero must be turning in his grave to see what a mess America has made of the old Roman model.

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