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I Want to Live in Truth


(Waking up isn’t about knowing there is something wrong, I always knew that. Waking up is about finding the truth and acting upon it, it’s about gaining and accepting information which shatters your attachment to the false reality you have been sold. It means tearing down your own ego, which was constructed of those lies, and rebuilding it from the ground up. It means sacrifice, pain, and work.)(Waking up is fucking hell, but it is necessary.)

I'm fairly untouched by the empire. I had once thought of using the military to escape school. I'm glad I didn't or I'd have most likely played a part in the murder campaigns of Central America. Knowing what I know today and having survived that I'd be a total fucking mental mess. Probably dead or in prison by now. Waking up is hell like she says. It in some sense of reality it puts what you learn on your own shoulders. Some where in many parts of our country are families that had family die in Afghanistan and Iraq and now know they did so for a lie. I couldn't even begin to think of how I would feel. I have a quite dark side of me that I'd be afraid would lose control. Did it begin when Bush pulled the troops back from Tora Bora letting Bin Laden go free? As a family member I would imagine the question, why is my loved one there then, would arise. Then off to Iraq to die, would create an anger in me uncontrollable. The freedom of information act has allowed independent journalist to expose horrific actions done in our name. Information they use to dig in other places to back up that truth and to find more truth to those actions. It took Robert Parry into the mid 90's to get all the information on the Iran-Contra affair built up to a point more charges could be brought forth. No one was willing to drag that story back out into the public due to bridges, airports, highways, etc that were being built in Reagan's name. We will have the same situation with John McCain. Trump and our glorious law makers will probably name one of these new ships coming out after him. McCain is being over glorified while he spent a political career of laying waste towards regime changes that have cost the lives of most likely a number in the millions. He's been photographed beside if not every, about every leader we've used and then killed while also beside the groups doing the killing for us. In which he played a part in supporting both financially and with weapons. The Ukraine today is empowered by a Nazi government due to his efforts that have killed many innocent civilians and most likely shot down the airliner. Our CIA and media has done great wonders towards manufacturing consent. It takes a lot of work and time. But once you put forth the aptitude to change and learn, the right places will take you to that hell. You learn about the CIA. You learn about the works of politicians outside the country. Who they worked with and supported. Where the money comes from, what groups and think tanks. After time you start putting the pieces together and realize this can't be done without both parties playing a role in it. The conflict you see is an illusion that the main stream media and their owners waged on us to manage a perception. Certain high ranking politicians placed in questionable business dealings, ear marks, foundation and philanthropy schemes. Foreign government and intelligent agents contacts. All these aspects of a global initiative going on you will not get in your main stream media sources. Reading my articles posted here, you have to also follow the links inside those articles. They are leading you to further opening the mind with the information the writer got their information from most times. A different writer or journalist, maybe a different view of the issue. It takes work if you want the real truth.

William_Mary 8 Aug 31
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

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