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Five Reasons Why the GOP Rushed to Confirm Kavanaugh


Now that this side show is over. It will seemingly never be over. The scenes will continue to come as long as we are forced to watch from the sidelines of wanting change. As the majority of the populace continues to participate within a corrupt political 2 party system. Maybe these fired up women will finally see a new light. Could it be the women of this country who take the green bull by the horns and ride it into power. I know Ohio could use a strong woman in the 12th district. That clown did the green party no favors with his Gary Johnson like interview during his campaign.

William_Mary 8 Oct 7
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I've been a Green for over 20 years and wonder why it has so little effect in the USA. What ever is the attraction of the Democrats who are lead by such conservative people. Whilst the Republicans could care a fig about 95% of the electorate.

We have a systematic agenda here by our politicians and media to deny any 3rd party coverage. And with what little coverage they do get, it's relatively short with an agenda to humiliate and degrade a candidate. Using false narratives or distorted facts the media and establishment politicians purposely spread to reduce any potential interest in a 3rd party. These especially apply to the Green Party. Here's the big catch though. Everyone in the US understands that the 2 establishment parties have created an electoral system that only serves those 2 parties. So the next and last part in that agenda is to manage a perception that a 3rd party can't win. And the people who support that corrupt system by continuing to participate in it vastly fall in line with that false narrative. Often also using that as a reason they will not switch from their corrupt party. On the other side, my side, I give you Bernie Sanders, as an example that theory is indeed false. As a 2016 candidate he took no money from corporations, pacs, etc. His campaign was solely supported by the commons. I witness republicans and independents switch party affiliation to vote for this guy. I will argue the same support for the Green Party can and would change the political corruption in our country. A party with a platform that almost mirrors, closely resembles or comes relatively close to what 26% of our democratic registered voters and 46% of independents voters claim to support. Yet they are stuck in that illusion to bravely take our country a different direction.

@William_Mary Understood. Bernie Sanders was a great hope for a time as is Elizabeth Warren. I find them both pretty centrist and not wildly left wing. They are a start! But you have enormous forces raised against them. Keep the population in fear, create an enemy, treat dissenters as treasonous. Goering all over again.

@rogerbenham yea, I no longer trust either one of them today. Or will I in the future. Sanders sold us out badly!

@William_Mary He did? How? I have only seen him as a very good thing for the USA. Similarly Warren. I just don't feel that they are remotely communists.

@rogerbenham he ask us supporters of his to support the very entities he was to be fighting against, for one. As the primary cycle came to a close, it was discovered he made a back room deal with the Clinton campaign to go light on her. Then it was also disclosed via leaked emails given to Wiki Leaks that the entire DNC worked with the media to limit debates, work against Sanders, also limit his exposure, leak debate questions to Clinton, have the media propel Trump to the front of the republican party. This eventually lead to DW Shultz to resign bringing in Donna Brazil. Who communicated these things to Sanders before the primary election, who said nothing publicly and went on as nothing had happened. He has the balls to then ask us to support a rigged election against his own movement!?! When we Sanders supporters filed a law suit against the DNC, their lawyers argued in court they were not bound to hold a fair and unbiased primary cycle. And fucking won. And all money we donated to Sanders went to the DNC and Clinton in the end. If that wasn't bad enough, Sanders then climbed of the Russian false narrative of them hacking the DNC. While more tangible evidence indicates the DNC information that came out was a leak from inside the DNC, not a hack. The information from the DNC was received to fast to be a hack from an outside source. It was downloaded onto a device like a thumb drive from a DNC data base. If Sanders chooses to run again, he has lost a vast majority of his real supporters. He became part of the corruption in many of our eyes with his silence of everything that went down during the primary cycle. The above isn't even going into all the shenanigans that went on during the election nights during the primary from day one in Iowa! Voter purging, Sander delegates being locked out of back room talks during caucuses, chaos at caucuses, running out of applications at caucuses then providing voters with false information turning them away. He never stood and voiced his concerns at any point during the entire primary cycle for his supporters. Then joined the machine at the end.

@William_Mary OK you know far more than I. I saw how he caved in to the DNC and how the corrupt Clintons had /have an iron grip on the DNC. I assume that the DNC is effectively run by a bunch of men in their eighties who are totally oblivious to the realities of today.
I liked all I have heard Sanders and Warren say except any form of support for the DNC. They lack the courage to dump the Democrats and form a new party, though I do understand that that would ensure a Republican victory in the first instance.
It amazes me how lies can convince so many.

@rogerbenham Sanders was offered the Green Party ticket by Jill Stein. Not only did he refuse, word is he never even contacted Stein to discuss it. Warren held out on supporting anyone almost right up to the primary convention. One would think Warren would have supported Sanders especially having been burned by Clinton in the past over the bankruptcy bill. And how loud she howls against the machine. The Clinton's definitely owned the DNC leading up to the 2016 election cycle. She managed to take full control of all operations, including donations. She created a Hillary Victory Fund that is thought to have laundered 84 million from state donations directly to her campaign. Law suits are pending but we're getting little information about them. Actually no information has been put out now for months. Some of these transaction were done on the same day even before state officials had even known they came in.


@William_Mary Well I don't know much about the Greens in the USA. I had great hopes when Elizabeth May became our leader and at the time I was the party secretary and I went out of my way to welcome her and even went to the farewell party given to her by the Sierra Club. Over the years I've lost some faith in her. She opposed our stance in favour of Palestine and we know she is opposed to abortion. I have now ceased being a member because I am a lot further left wing than they are and I'm guessing a lot further left than Sanders.
Your country is obsessed with two parties that seem very similar much of the time. Both are pretty Conservative and both like big money and corporations. That aspect is what I most admired about Bernie but I suspect that he does not feel strong enough to break away from the Clinton DNC. That has to happen if you ever hope for meaningful reform. Your country is locked into capitalism and eternal growth which both lead to eventual suicide. The rest of the world has been shaking its head for a long time but fears you enough to be sycophantic and polite. Can you imagine Trump ever finding a Kissenger type to represent him? That would be so dangerous.
So is it much more likely that Warren will get the 2020 Democratic ticket? I can't imagine the DNC wanting that. I'd love to see it. Even better standing alone.

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