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Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today


(All over the world, outrage over existing conditions is mounting. “Capitalism” is once again becoming a dirty word. There is a renewal of interest in socialism, as an alternative to the existing social order. But, it must be stated bluntly, what is clearly absent amidst this progressive striving is knowledge of the great political experiences and revolutionary struggles of the past century. The very word “revolution” lacks substantial content, in terms of an understanding of its social foundations, class dynamics and political strategy.

Young people, born in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the restoration of capitalism in China, have little knowledge of how these events came about, let alone a detailed knowledge of the histories of the Russian and Chinese revolutions. They are not familiar with the actual theoretical and political content of terms such as Stalinism, Maoism, or, for that matter, Castroism. Of course, young people all over the world are familiar with the romantic and evocative image of Che Guevara, but they know nothing of his political strategy and program—which were, if I may speak frankly, utterly bankrupt.)

William_Mary 8 Oct 10
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As neither China or Soviet Russia were socialist. So this does not make sense.

GreatNani Level 8 Oct 10, 2018

The writer is making that very point. This is one of my main arguments of the managed perception in the US of those so against socialism. As they are trained to turn their attention to mainly those 2 countries as a reference. The writer gives a good example of how he sees Russia and China both used their false version of socialism to benefit imperial building. Not for the good of the workers and nation as a whole. The Russian revolution of 1917 never really had time to advance. It was quickly over taken with the help of outside influence. So you're right, Russia was never really a socialist country as it was so titled. Or China being both countries falsely use title towards imperialism.

@William_Mary Yes. I think looking at Scandinavia is a better example of Socialism.

I would also argue that today in those terms,we could easily be title, The United Socialist States.


This is correct, but if I lean toward Democratic Socialism today it has nothing to do with any of this from the past. My view is that Sweden has everything we need and fight for, and they don't seem to have political problems or allegiance to Moscow. Apparently everyone has healthcare and there is no big pharma.

DenoPenno Level 9 Oct 10, 2018

You're right. . I don't understand most of this...

Ill be glad to help you understand anything within the article if you can be more direct. The presenter is basically laying out the false narratives of socialism in the past in reference to Trotskys and Marx's views. In which they referred to as imperialism. He also goes into a couple other countries on how the misuse of socialism was applied. But feel free to direct me towards any parts you might like an opinion on!

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