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With Final 'Evil' Act, Jeff Sessions 'Reminds Everyone Yet Again Why He's Been Worst Attorney General in Modern History'


Narrative. 2 years ago we had a liberal outcry of disdain for Jeff Sessions. While also a narrative, false at that by any means of proof unprovided, that Russians hacked the DNC, which then turned into a collaboration between the Trump campaign. No evidence of either having actually taken place. Also 2 years worth of wasted time and money on a special counsel. Yet now that Sessions has been fired by Trump these liberals have seemingly found a love for Sessions fearing the narrative of the Russian gate will be swept under a rug!/! Protest in your area? We had some here in a neighboring city, Akron, the other day. This is almost comical if it wasn't so sad! Insects work basically on instinct. The establishment and media have a large part of our population acting like insects. The wrong aspect of this nature is dieing out quicker than the one we need to die out.

William_Mary 8 Nov 10
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But why would Mueller do all of this? I thought that one relevant factor from the start was that he is a republican voter.
Your main point seems to be that the DNC are corrupt. I am beginning to wonder what percentage of politicians are not corrupt. And that the DNC is covering up their evil doings. How come the DOJ would turn a blind eye to that? Is the DOJ corrupt?
How do you know any of this or are you supposing?
Without access to facts how can we make opinions?

Mueller has a line of questionable history and investigations behind him. The 9/11 commission was a farce also. Not enough money to do a real investigation and most of the testimony from the hearings were left out. Half the people on that committee complained about how it went down. 28 pages covering the Saudi's involvement have been held from the public. Families are suing to get them released. Hell, it took almost to the end of Obama's presidency for us to even know about those 28 pages existence! They're all tools for the same entities that rule over and own our politicians. Our intelligence agencies aren't there for us. They're the biggest farce in the game. That's why today they make up a large percentage of experts on our news media. So they can be used to set the tone of the managed perception that has swept over the population. Now they are doing their best to inject these people into the political arena as politicians. This is why they want to silence whistle blowers and regulate net neutrality. If they can do that we don't get the information like this to know and spread the truth.

Yea, this was a job the DOJ should have been on top of. Why wasn't it? Maybe because there was nothing to be on top of to start with.


I'm not with you on the WM. We do not have access to facts. We only have second hand reports. We cannot say that the whole thing is a fabricated smokescreen as we do not have that information. We do know that people close to the president have been arrested. It reminds me of that film star who was accused of murdering his wife. So many people had opinions who never were in the courtroom listening to testimonies.
For that matter we do not know whether Sessions was the worst attorney in history as we really know very little about either him or previous attornies.

WM? world media? After 2 years the indictments, and convictions, have been on money laundering, tax evasion, one of them scamming money out of the other, and in Flynn's case, not reporting money made on contracts he was working on in Russia in the past. Which lead to him resigning for not reporting. Only one indictment was made in actually reference to Russian collusion to interfere with elections. And that wasn't even tied to Trump. It was a click bait farm in St. Petersburg that hosted a number of social media post for 12 companies, including a couple to few men owning some of those companies. In which the end game reveled after in house investigations within these media outlets found that the amount of users receiving their post was so small it was comical. Mueller attempted to bring charges up of this click bait farm in a hearing. Of course not expecting anyone from Russia to actually come to the hearing to be arrested. BUT, their lawyers did. And when they asked for the evidence being used against their clients Mueller went into protection mode, claiming it was classified material. No evidence no case.


If you like to get caught up in this quagmire>>>> []

As you might get from here, the whole case against Russia most likely may have been fabricated from the start. For all we know G-20 could very well be our own intelligence agencies working for Clinton and the DNC towards a false narrative. I'll argue to cover up their own crimes during that election cycle. And the possible murder of Seth Rich who many believe was Wiki Leaks source of the downloaded information. []


We do not have 2 years of wasted time and money on a special council. Please note that indictments have been made and handed down and they are continuing. They point out corruption all around this president and those connected with him. The big problem is that many want to simply ignore this and claim that it means nothing. I disagree. This is the most corrupt administration in some time. Did we have these things so much in the Bush and Obama administrations? I think not.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 10, 2018

You, merely a consumer of news cannot say there is no evidence of anything. You do not see any reports, no fbi/nsa/cia/mi6 etc. data. I could go on, but that would be a waste to a closed mind.

2 years, no convictions = no proof. Where's the investigations at now? I'll tell you where, no where. It went silent over a month ago. Because they served the purpose of sweeping the real crimes under a rug. And that was the DNC and Clinton crimes of a real elections tampering. Possible money laundering which is being silently swept under a rug. A possible murder in Seth Rich who is most likely the real source of a leak, not a hack. managed perception much? And I have a closed mind!?! When you don't realize just how close the Clinton's and Trump's are, we get people like you.


The obvious disgust with a man who wished to fill private prisons has nothing to do with being liberal. It is about having good sense. Nor does the secondary issue of anger at his being fired as a means of obstructing an inquiry into the actions aof a sociopathic monster have anything to do with being liberal. It is about conscience.

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