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Maryland officers serving "red flag" gun removal order fatally shoot armed man


Per Chuck Baldwin Constitution Party- facehack post below.

America has had its first killing in an attempt to confiscate an innocent man's firearms under newly-enacted "red flag" laws.

Police officers in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, showed up to confiscate 60-year-old Gary Willis’ guns. A family member had called police and asked them to suspend Gary's gun rights, and the local police department was more than happy to oblige.

When the pounding on the door began at 5:17 am, Gary showed up to his door holding a firearm. When he saw it was police, he put the gun down to talk to them. But then the officers informed him they were there to confiscate all of his weapons.

Imagine how you would feel. You wake up out of a sound sleep to pounding on your door. You grab a gun in case it is a criminal, but it turns out that the police are there to confiscate your guns without even accusing you of committing a crime.

Gary refused to comply with the confiscation order. That is when a fight broke out. During the struggle, police opened fire on Gary Willis, killing the 60-year-old man in his own home.

Gary was not charged or even accused of committing a crime. Police judged him guilty until proven innocent--which is exactly what EVERY "red flag" law does.

All of this happened because one extended family member told police she was worried that he was dangerous. No evidence, no proof…just one person’s word. And now, an innocent man is dead.

This is America's future if establishment Republicans get their way. They are working with Democrats on a nationwide “red flag” bill to authorize these kinds of gun confiscations across the country.

And we already know that Donald Trump is solidly behind these “red flag” laws. His quote:

“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

Soon after Trump spoke those words, Republicans in Florida (they controlled the House, Senate and Governor's office) passed their own Hitlerian "red flag" law, (as have numerous other states). Since then hundreds of innocent Floridians have had their guns seized by police.

Now, we have our first American citizen killed by police during an attempt to enforce a "red flag" law. (I predicted this would happen as soon as I heard about these "red flag" laws.) He won't be the last.

If people value their right to keep and bear arms, they better start banding together in large numbers to make sure these "red flag" laws do not become law in their states--or even in our entire country by an act of the federal congress.

And if you are depending on Republicans to protect your 2nd Amendment liberties, you are totally in the dark about what is going on (neither can we depend on the NRA for help). Donald Trump and a host of Republicans in DC are plotting RIGHT NOW to enact federal "red flag" laws. And Republicans (along with Democrats) are enacting "red flag" laws in State legislatures all over the country.


Dear republican gun owners, your God is letting you down. This is what's going to happen when someone, anyone, for any reason, decides you don't need a gun even if they're wrong.

William_Mary 8 Nov 12
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It should be illegal and should be looked at by all as highly suspect. A "red flag" law on gun control means that anyone who is deemed not to be fit for gun ownership for any reason whatsoever should have their guns taken away. We already have laws where felons cannot own guns. Feds want it to get deeper and have the relatives turn people in. Grandpa doesn't need a gun and Herb is quick to lose his temper. Call the police and have their guns taken away. Rather than family looking after family it is so easy for the cops to do it, right?

Look for more police shootings. Keep watching and look for them to come and take your guns away.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 12, 2018

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