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“A Staggeringly Bad Idea”: Outrage as Pelosi Pushes Tax Rule That Would “Kneecap the Progressive Agenda”


Here we go again. The democrats working against us. Setting up the knockout punch from the republicans with their jab jab. []

Not even January yet and Pelosi is showing she's been busy planning on how to screw any sense of a progressive course. Before republicans started taking power the democrats on 2 separate occasions of having power over the years relaxed rules in a number of areas that then enabled the republicans to begin running rough shot over the country. Well the bitch is up to it again for HER second round going into now a 3rd time. So rather than needing 218 votes to pass a bill it will go up to 261 out of 435. Someone, anyone, feel free to explain this shit to me. I openly admit I'm not the brightest mass of sand out of the oven. Maybe I'm reading this wrong. We're talking about a bill for legislature that doesn't even exist at the moment? Or has someone heard the 2 issues will be proposed within the same bill? Because to my best knowledge there's no single payer or M4A in talks. And I'm fairly certain Pelosi has been a stanch critic towards such talks. And, who's fucking tax rates are at historical lows!?! It sure the hell isn't mine! It's not even January yet and the democrats are already causing the republicans to drool towards their next power grab.

William_Mary 8 Nov 18
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I was just talking about Pelosi on another website today and posted videos on her all the way back to 1993 calling for single payer health care for all. When she actually had the chance to initiate it and try to take it further in 2017 with Bernie Sanders, she didn't support it. Her and fellow Democrats had the same talking points about focusing on protecting the attack by Republicans on the ACA. Well if that's the case then there will never be single payer health care for all. She's all lip service like many establishment politicians.

Yea I heard or read something on that very issue. Wish I could think of where. Excellent point.


When Pelosi was for single payer:



When she decided not to support single payer:


@Piece2YourPuzzle uh huh, look at the date on that, 9/93. Amazing what the power construct can do to change lip service. Now she just needs to train her new incumbents on how that works. It will be interesting to watch.


This goes to previous discussions about there is no 2 party system.


There are some Dems opposing her. They're up to their old tried and true tricks though. The establishment Dems, including Hillary Clinton, were using that female strategy back in 2016 when she trotted out Madeline Albright and Gloria Steinum to shame women voters who wanted to vote for Bernie Sanders. Gloria Steinum did apologize after though. I remember the whole "BernieBros" lie the Clinton campaign stirred up with "Correct The Record".


"The shift in approach comes as the rebellious group has been faced with a barrage of criticism for trying to take down Pelosi, who became the first female Speaker of the House in 2007, on the heels of an election cycle being dubbed the "Year of the Woman."

Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), one Pelosi detractor, hammered the argument that the California Democrat's promotion is the only way to secure female leadership at the very top of the party.

“To those who say that this is an issue of gender, that’s just not true. I’m a woman, and a lot of our new members are women, and they should not be made to feel that they are anti-woman if they don’t want to vote for Nancy Pelosi,” Rice said Wednesday, leaving a closed-door Democratic meeting in the Capitol.

“We have an enormous number of talented women in the caucus — an enormous number.”

Pelosi and her allies have made her gender — and the fact that Democrats won the House largely on the backs of women voters and candidates — a central part of their pitch, arguing they need a strong female voice at the leadership table, especially with President Trump in the White House."

While reading that I get a sense it's not a matter of finding a new leader, but getting rid of an instrument of power. Seemingly another entity within the party that is taking the party down a destructive path, much as we seen in the DNC during the 2016 primary. Fear the power sticking with the status quo knowing it's not wanted or working any longer, over ignoring the signs of change beating at the door.


The Lower house needs to have a members revolt against Pelosi and dump her and the other old guard members. The newly elected progressives need to be allowed to push their agenda. It all reminds me of Bernadette Devlin in Northern Ireland in the sixties.

How many establishment politicians must be voted down to get to good one thought!?! 🙂

@William_Mary I think that all newly elected are told to shut up and vote as instructed. The line being that it was the party elected and not the individual. This time around that could seriously be questioned. The Cortez woman looks like a really good hope and the fact of moslems and a native and people of colour being elected must be shaking the cores of the DNC. Of course to us northern dwellers you all look coloured. I'd have to see you naked to know if you are white. But the describing Obama as black always seemed rather odd. He sure didn't come from Barbados or Uganda.

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