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'Corporate Greed at Its Worst': After Reaping $514 Million From GOP Tax Scam and Billions in Public Subsidies, GM to Fire Nearly 15,000 Workers


As you read this take to mind that democrats are as guilty as the republicans. Their neoliberial policies are every bit as bad as the neocon tax breaks towards these issues. It's made easy for them to create an illusion to turn your sights on the republicans as they held a majority in both houses at the time, needing few democrats to pass tax cuts. UAW President Gary Jones finally decides to chime in against the auto maker within the article. But they also are part of the problem. Lets not forget how they played the employees allowing a 2 tier employee base system, also threatening the union workers if they didn't accept a bad new contract, AND, were caught in shady back room deals where some people are looking at possible criminal charges. Including union staff members. Don't be surprised if this very tactic is used against UPS workers who have been going through the same issues the past few months. This is also a war being waged against union workers. And Brown knows this all to well and using it to make himself seem like he's fighting for the workers. He is simply using them!

William_Mary 8 Nov 27
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Had a Tahoe years ago and it was a piece of junk. Could care less what happens to that company. If you can’t build quality vehicles that sell without subsidies.. it’s time to fold.

Green_eyes Level 8 Nov 28, 2018

Not much to add, previous comments covered my thoughts - thank you for posting and the adding the link.


It always amazes me when people on the right say that deregulation would be better for everyone. Or that taxes should be lowered on corporations and it would give them more money to invest in workers etc. I find it hard to believe they actually believe that. There can be record profits and less taxes and more government subsidies, and corporations would still look to lower their expenses and maximize profits, no matter what.

Americans For Tax Fairness do reports on corporations all the time. They show that no matter what tax breaks or tax dodging corporations do, and all the subsidies that they get, they still lay off and fire workers to maximize their profits.


Capital has no national loyalties It is loyal only to higher profit margins, and dividends.

davknight Level 8 Nov 27, 2018

there's always been a war between management and teamsters.

AmmaRE007 Level 7 Nov 27, 2018

Let's not forget that Donald Trump does not understand this and has said that if the plants close down and we have to, we can build new plants from the ground up all over again.

Hello, Donald. I don't think you understand this.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 27, 2018

Trump has proven time and time again that either he does not understand economics or he is a con artist. How many times has he said that he is going to make Mexico pay for his wall by imposing tariffs that Americans will have to pay for?

@Heraclitus I'm weighing heavily on con man. But also a bit on the economic ignorance too. I think it might be safe to say he pays people to do his economic needs. Then he pays a lawyer to handle the mess they make when they fuck up. He's put a lot of families out of business over the decades this way.




Meh.... They make crappy cars and trucks anyway!

RiverRick Level 7 Nov 27, 2018

Well I'm driving a 4kms stretch of very bumpy now snow and ice covered track2 or 4 or even 6 times a week in a 2005 GMC pickup with 310,000 kms on the clock and I sure am happy that I've got it. 4WD that works. 2WD hasn't got a chance on my driveway.

@rogerbenham LOL - I had a driveway like that once. There were friends would not come see me in winter, even with 4 wheel drive. Unless you put chains on ice is ice and a steep grade covered in ice has a huge pucker factor. There were only a few days in winter that it would get that icy. You plan for and just stay home. Drive careful.

@silverotter11 Two days ago was such a day I had to drive out with bits of downhill. Sliding with brakes on and trying to steer. Just never exceed 20 kms/hr (not much more than 10 mph). Going back in was easier.

For 15 years I had a driveway 5 kms long (3 miles) which I snowmobiled in winter with a track I kept two wide because of spring melt. In summer people would see grizzzly tracks on my driveway and stay away. I shared my land with it. In winter I'd cross a wolf trail to get out. I loved knowing that I was living alongside such wildlife.

@rogerbenham It was only the cougar scat or tracks that made me nervous. I miss living in the woods but not the up keep of 10 acres. So much wildlife!!

@silverotter11 No cougars up here yet. 320 acres of woodland I had and just let it grow.

@rogerbenham Sounds lovely!!


Dear Corporate Leaders of GM: If you can't run a business without dodging your taxation responsibilities, sticking your fingers in the public purse or exploiting your workers, perhaps you're just not very good at it and you should bugger off and give someone else a go.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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