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A few days ago I posted some questions and want to get back to it. Thank you to all who commented! I was surprised it got so many views to be honest. It was a precursor towards informing you of a documentary we watched last weekend. It covers a lot of what is going on in the world today that covers a wide range of topics.

The existence of Aliens of course, time travel, 9/11, the existence of a world ruling cabal, John Trump, Nikola Tesla and his technology, a secret space program, an under ground society of a much higher technology than we know, pedophilia and satin worship within that ruling cabal, opposition to that cabal from a splintered off group within, German space program in the 30's,

It will take a very opened mind for one to watch and be able to enjoy, or extract the information to redevelop or add to an existing opinion. If you're a staunch critic to the negative towards the Ancient Alien theory, or the theory of what we are shown may all be a lie, you can save your time now and depart. If you have a never ending interest in what might be as answers to our existence and happenings today, challenge yourselves, your minds.

As to some of the questions and a couple of issues I added, not heavily covered in the documentary as I'd like.

John Trump is the uncle of our president. The History Channel back in the summer, I think it was, did a series on Tesla and supposed missing files. It was quite an interesting series. Tesla died in the New Yorker Hotel where he had been living and working for some years. It's said he was under close surveillance by intelligence, the FBI and what at the time was the OSS. The war time intelligence agency before the CIA was formed. After his death they were to have taken 80 suitcases of files from his work, only 60 having been returned to an heir. Trump working with the OSS at the time are predicted to have ended up with the missing suitcases. One has to wonder what our world would be like if Tesla hadn't been suppressed by the scientific community and power giants of those times. Much like Einstein, he was ridiculed and mocked to a point of hard times getting funding for his work. Yet much of what we have today comes from his work. What don't we know? That might be found in this documentary? []

Dustification is a theory by Dr. Judy wood. She claims the World Trade Towers are lacking the debris after their fall that should be evident. [] A technology not yet known to the public. The buildings disintegrating from within. A link from within the above - [] you can play with it and catch the parts where you see the buildings burning and coming down to shorten your time as some comments are being made raising worthy questions.

Cabal, Pizza Gate, I'm going to tie together. In the documentary they attempt to compel us to believe the Deep State is a cabal of the worlds most wealthy. At one point it suggest a group splintered off unhappy with what the initial cabal engages in. Which leads to a sex ring including pedophilia and cult worship. With the recent accusations that lead to the "Me To" movement, and I'll add Pizza Gate. I'm adding PG because in the documentary it exposes the possibilities of it being thrown ignorantly in our faces with symbols used by certain stars and other high profile people. Which Ben Swann brought out in his coverage of it. Ultimately leading to his firing at CBS and the total removal of his entire internet work when he did Reality Check. He was banned from the internet and working for a year.

We have decades of people coming forward who have told us of sex rings within 2 precise aspects of our society. Politics/politicians, often related to wealthy people and or organizations and Hollywood. Yet why is it when we get a media large scale findings of a proclaimed sex ring it always comes from relatively small occurrences of street thugs in prostitution? When we have a decent awareness of these. [] That are obviously attempted to be hidden from society. Where someones career for the exposure is threatened rather than any real investigation takes place.

Money? The documentary brings forth a rather interesting suggestion that all the missing pentagon and bailout money may be going towards that secret space program, and this supposed underground society. I find it curiously interesting how Trump has voiced a need for a Space Force in relation to his uncle having been involved in Tesla's work.

Above Majestic - A documentary by David Wilcock


If you're an Ancient Alien follower like myself you'll know him from those shows. He's little bit further out there than even the others from the show, but he gets the mind going. I really only had one thing I found odd. In the beginning it starts out with the suggestion that Aliens helped the Germans in technology in the 30's. Which would have given them a large advantage in WWll. But towards the end he starts relating todays happenings with the documentary. We got it through our Amazon for only 4.99.

Everything you think you know is a lie?

William_Mary 8 Dec 22
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One of the main problems of the Internet is the ability to truth test the claims of its publishers. Some would say that the idea of truth testing is just a form of censorship, perhaps it is. However, without the means of distinguishing fact from fiction, we are analogous to goldfish swimming in the scum of their own contained existence. The one thing that marks our humanity, is that we have the potential to break out of the chains that seek to bind us, and reach beyond the horizon. But to do this, we must doubt everything......

rcandlish Level 7 Dec 24, 2018

While most of what I get from these people are suggestions, possibilities, or general hypothesis, they also provide compelling arguments towards reaching their "claims". I don't view them as either a problem or even a matter just on the internet. So those of us with an interest in these possibilities are goldfish swimming in scum? For seeking a wider understanding of what could possibly be going on around us, for or against us. Since we are on the internet discussing this, your claiming there's more of a reason to have doubt? While everything we don't know or understand as a certainly should be questioned, building a foundation towards fact must be accomplished first. Have you even seen the documentary to cast doubt on any particular claims from within it? While there are people in the documentary that speak of unknown proven fact, to our knowledge today as citizens, which you can find in the trailer at least one, most of the other issues have a decent foundation of hypothesis for them. The producer, David Wilcock, can only work with what is provided. Historical evidence, people he has encountered over many years in this field, to build a foundation towards fact. It's what science, people like him, and many other aspects of knowledge in their positions are all about. Personally, as far as censorship goes, I'd reserve that for those with closed minds who bring negativity into the discussion on this matter in a means to degrade those with the interest. Or trolls who have an agenda of purpose to manage a perception to quell others from seeking any further into the matter. How in the name of truth finding are you even able to label that as a means of censorship? Or do I not understand what you mean by "truth testing"?

@William_Mary Watched the film, carefully and critically. No real evidence was provided to corroborate any of the statements. Instead we are given a mishmash of personal testimony (but nothing substantial to back up the claims) and hearsay.

Are there extraterrestrial UFOs? Perhaps there are.

Did the Nazis achieve interstellar technology with the aid of a human female medium communicating with Reptilians now based in the Antarctic? Seriously???

Are there sinister machinations going on in the US and elsewhere, by secret cabals operating beyond government reach? Without a doubt there are!

Personally, I found the film to be rambling and incoherent. There is nothing I can say is definitely true about its message. People will believe whatever they want to, and the same mechanisms of deception that operate in the religious world, operate in the secular also.

@rcandlish it's a theory based on ancient artifacts, ancient drawings, ancient civilization writings, paintings of many artist of centuries passed, the bible, etc. A vast majority of it hypothetical. Which we also can't say it's false. Is the claim of the guy telling us he was transported to the future and then back to his time hard to swallow? Or an under ground civilization? Of course it is. But then so were many things we now have today in the times just a couple of centuries ago. And even more so further back that people were beheaded, imprisoned, or put on house arrest for the rest of their life as the case with Galileo, over what became truth, by the Vatican and their christen belief system.

Your negativity is astounding. I hope your draw to watch the documentary wasn't on my account of my offering it to the group. If it was I'm sorry you wasted your time and money on it. I'm personally drawn to these theories towards a means to learn and mentally challenge the now. Evidence would be a mere bonus. But that might take time like proving so many of the works in science. In which those like Einstein and other theorists believe time travel may be possible. Along with worm holes and black holes. Which some are concerned about the project in Europe on the god particle, worried they might open such a thing and swallow us all up or create major catastrophe.

It's strange how 2 people can absorb and then relate to others on a matter so differently. While I see so many parts of it useful, you seem to focus mostly on the negative towards debunking the whole thing over unknown certainty. When throughout time there have been many occasions promised certainties have been proven to be imperfect knowledge.


Tesla and his inventions are fascinating! The amazing stone work found around the world still has, to me anyway, no satisfactory explanation. Powerful people and sex have been a theme thru out human existence, Jeffery Epstein is linked to both trump and clinton.
Governments around the world have a lot to answer for. Stay tuned the truth is out there.

Sex with boys go well beyond the Roman days. Even in the Middle East where one could be killed if caught.


I'll definitely check it out.

I saw it yesterday. It really is out there. It kind of mixes truth with speculation or hearsay. I just wish there was more evidence or proof of the assertions in the video. They claim that we have underground communities built, communities and structures built on the moon and other planets, proof of aliens. All fascinating stuff, but like I said I wish there was proof. One very interesting thing is the "sealed indictments" mention. We will see if it's real I guess.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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