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It’s Clearer Than Ever: Civilization Can Only Choose Socialism Or Barbarism


“The vaunted new populist members of Congress will be no more than window dressing, trotted out, like Sanders, to trick voters into thinking the Democratic Party is capable of reform.”

I will argue that if Venezuela was left alone, it may very well be the first to establish a working socialist country. It really already has to a large degree. With the vast amount of interference it gets from the westernized world it has still managed to reduce poverty and build millions of home for lower class citizens in need. Ah, add Cuba to that also. I can only imagine the accomplishments that could have been made by now from the time Chavez was their president without outer and inner capitalist interference.

William_Mary 8 Jan 12
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Wrong alternative! Socialism equals barbarism. In a socialist system the owners of the means of production - the proletariat - represent an uneducated, low IQ, angry and useless sublayer of the society. Exactly just as any socialist leader. When/if they gain power - tens of millions die. I lived there, personal experience.

zesty Level 7 Jan 13, 2019

Free education would contradict your claim. And your judgmental rhetoric of citizens is probably your own representation and description of yourself. Claiming to have live it provides me no substance to take you seriously. It only provides me 2 possible questions. Where was it you lived it. And why you're not still there. And only able to stab at the latter, I have to wonder if you weren't part of the opposition to the government with enough money to leave it and your people. Which would at least partially explain your rhetoric.

You seem to have disdain for the working class. Do you? Do you think that capitalism has led to millions upon millions, or tens of millions as you put it, dying? People have also lived that experience through capitalism or the aggression towards others, especially whole nations, and have had the outcome that you have stated. The consequences of many in capitalism have been well documented throughout history. It goes from wars to hunger to homelessness to a vast array of other damage because of that system.

@Piece2YourPuzzle No, I'm part of the working class. However, in my opinion, the proletariat - in a classical Marxist sense - is unable to rule in an efficient manner, just as the evidence suggests.

@Piece2YourPuzzle, @William_Mary

@Piece2YourPuzzle, @William_Mary Free education? Nothing is free! Somebody has to pay for it! Yes, I lived in a so called Communist country. And no, I didn't pay to leave, I simply defected. Decent people don't pay the socialist junk, rather shoot them. Why am I still not there? Hate the system and the junk leaders.

@zesty when someone comes at me with "nothing is free" a pure preconditioned rhetoric that is obviously a means to distract from intelligent dialog, I know I'm wasting my time on someone with only a one sided managed perception. Piece2YourPuzzle spelled out the rest for me as a perfect example. Your reply of supposed evidence is proof being no country attempting to run on a truly socialist nature has been allowed to do so without interference from the westernized world, opposition within working on behalf of the westernized world, or oligarchy rule. I didn't ask if or perceive you of having paid to leave. Another well of thoughts you leave open. You're more than allowed to have your opinion of course. But I'm betting you only found a system more suitable to your means, not to many around you though. Yet probably more like the one you came from than you know and just don't realized it yet.


I always scoff at those that always use Venezuela as the go to argument for why socialism is bad and/or a failure. They never seem to be objective when evaluating interference from capitalist countries.

I would argue that is probably because they have little knowledge, if any, of Means of Production. Hell, most people who talk against socialism have never taken time to actually educate themselves to even the theories of the main workings. Only going from hear say and the managed perception against it. Also, as my son and his friends, and a few people I know, are predominantly republican supporters, they actually think there's a free market and capitalism is working. While a good part of them rely on social programs to keep their head out of water. And when I mention that we have monopolies still dominating a "free market" while they continually buy out small business to exploit pricing and limit competition. Like we have especially in technology today. They refuse to grasp that and apply it to other issues. Or I bring up subsidies, tax breaks, no taxes, for profitable companies. And don't dare mention their use of socialized programs to keep their heads above water. Or when they might even defraud the system by leaving some information and or details out to maximize their benefits. They can't see that as myself making an argument for the good of socialism, my son accused me of attacking him instead. While the system they support and I'm speaking against is holding them down to a degree, and my ideology is helping them, I'm the bad guy for pointing out why it's there and they are in it, refusing to understand theirs is failing them. Even Venezuela has a sense of capitalism in it. Any working system must have. But when one part of the system is purposely working against the other for self benefit, it becomes flawed. Which is the case in Venezuela right now. Personally, I think Maduro has every right to just state everything out for national security reasons. Let the employees run the factories.


I feel that this capitalist system in America is a form of barbarism. When you enslave the poor by the wealthy and the poor have no rights or a way to change this because the government is controlled the wealthy, how is that not barbaric.


I would choose socialism over barbarism if those were the only options.

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