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Meet the Most Corporate PAC-Reliant Reps in Congress

As more representatives and candidates pledge to reject contributions from corporate PACs, others are standing by their corporate benefactors and relying on them to provide the overwhelming majority of their campaign funds.


Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) - war machine, health care and the financial sector. While a member of the most powerful committee in the House, the Ways and Means Committee, which writes legislation on taxes and revenue-related aspects of the Social Security system, including Medicare.

Ron Kind (D-Wis.) - House Ways and Means Committee member Ron Kind, who is Chair Emeritus of the centrist New Democrat Coalition, took large PAC contributions from several health insurance companies last cycle, including Blue Cross Blue Shield and affiliates ($19,500), MetLife ($11,000), and Humana ($10,000). In November, following the midterm election, Kind told The Hill that he did not want the House to vote on a “Medicare for All” single-payer health care system because it would not pass the Republican-controlled Senate. Deloitte ($10,000) While Deloitte has a base in the US, it is a UK incorporated multinational professional services network.

I underscore above--Chair Emeritus of the centrist New Democrat Coalition

James Clyburn (D-S.C.) - As House Majority Whip, Rep. James Clyburn’s job is to round up the votes to pass legislation supported by the Democratic leadership. Clyburn has been the third-ranking Democrat in the House behind Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer since 2007. Pfizer - Duke Energy, and Raytheon - also the war machine and energy company running essentially off the fossil fuel industry.

Richard Neal (D-Mass.) - I posted an article on this guy about a month ago. Which that subject is again touched on in this article. Neal has stated that he prefers a more incremental approach to health care reform, likely pleasing his 2018 corporate PAC donors in the health industry, like Blue Cross Blue Shield and affiliates ($22,500), Aetna ($10,000), and Merck ($10,000).

These are all over the million dollar mark! In Neal's case $2,501,791. And these are not career donations! These are from the 2018 race, only! Maxing out several PAC donations of $10,000 meaning not all of them are listed. The democrats obviously having certain commonalities of health care, the war machine, and fossil fuels from top seat holders in prominent committees. Now, how far can we depend on change when the road blocks are already bought and put up?

William_Mary 8 Jan 31
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When it comes to corp or PAC money, there is no difference between Republicans or Democrats, they all have their hands outs.

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