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Trump declares global war on socialism


William_Mary 8 Feb 19
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Trump talks about it in the open while past presidents put their imperialism in a nice ribbon or bow and make it sound like the U.S. is spreading freedom and protecting U.S. citizens while they slap economic sanctions, coups, and resource theft on the countries that aren't capitalist friendly. They're all the same. Look at what the U.S. has done to all the left leaning Latin American countries over the decades. All former presidencies declare war on socialism. At least since the 50s that I can remember, and probably even before that.

This made me laugh lol:

"Socialism, he proclaimed, was “about one thing only, power for the ruling class.” It delivered, he said, only “corruption, exploitation and decay.” How this definition differed in the slightest from the government and the social order over which he himself presides, Trump failed to explain."

The pot calling the kettle black.

The democrats have had more influence over government for along time.

@Yotemple How do you figure?

The numbers have changed since the last time I had looked at who had majority of the state house, state senate, and house of Representatives.
I will admit I am not extremely knowledgeable of politics. Really though I am still trying to figure out my political position. Recently I took a test to see were I stood politically. They called me a "core conservative". I am conflicted though because I don't want to support bible thumpers the republicans... But there are Ideas on issues that I would support.
I am still learning and have suspended voting till I truly get an understanding of what I want to represent.
Is there any reading you would suggest to help shape my thoughts ?

@Yotemple The majority representation of Dems and Reps usually changes often in Congress (House & Senate). They usually have equal representation over the years just as the presidency does. It flip flops a lot. Whether they actually represent what they say both sides represent is a different story. I don't have any specific readings for you, but you might want to do general searches on Google to see the general beliefs of conservatives and liberals or Dems and Reps etc. After you do that, you might also want to take a look at current events stories and see what politicians are saying and what they're doing. Something will click when you cross reference everything. You can also be conservative and still align with a part of the Democratic Party. Also, don't forget.....there are more than just the Dem and Rep Parties. You might be libertarian. I'm liberal, but I align more with what the Greens say and do. Just remember though, politics is a minefield. There are lots of lies and misinformation and propaganda. You have to figure things out on your own when listening to politicians, pundits, journalists etc. Have fun lol

I can't disagree with you with this last post at all. Back to doing more learning for me. Thanks for your point of view !


There is a good point about the weakness of everyone else not a trump supporter. Mainstream media and internet social media will play a huge role in 2020.
We ignore the danger of trump and their supporters both in the general public and among the elected officials at our peril.
They really are a clear and present danger to a democratic America. How do no know how strongly I can express my concern trump and company seek to destroy this country from within. It may be just my opinion but I do not think I am alone.

A president does not have the capability to destroy the country. Our country was created to keep anyone man from having complete control. The democratic party has a huge role in government.

@Yotemple Have you noticed how Mcconnell has been over the years? Grassley seemed normal and then wham he sides with trump. It was not a majority that allowed facism to take over in Europe, it just takes the wrong people in the right place.

Honesty I don't know the people except for Trump... I will research them.
I do think that the word fascism gets used wrongly. Fascism would imply that there is a dictatorship at work. All people that are protesting would be jailed or murdered if there was fascism at work.
I have more of an interest on the issues that face us , than the players involved. What is your concern that you find important in today's politics?

@Yotemple The single biggest concern is big money influence in our government.

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