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JOHN PILGER: The War on Venezuela is Built on Lies


(Every major chavista reform was voted on, notably a new constitution of which 71 percent of the people approved each of the 396 article that enshrined unheard of freedoms, such as Article 123, which for the first time recognized the human rights of mixed-race and black people, of whom Chavez was one.)

In a recent post this morning I mentioned the false narrative of repression against Afro Venezuelans coming from the main stream media. This is one of the reasons it is ludicrous to even phantom that notion. For Chavez was an individual of mixed race back grounds. I watched a show last night on FSTV (Free Speech) of a Venezuelan collage professor speaking on the history of Venezuela and the love of its citizens for both Chavez and Maduro. At one point stating Chavez was of Latin, European, and Afro descent.

(Cartoonists in the Venezuelan press, most of which are owned by an oligarchy and oppose the government, portrayed Chavez as an ape. A radio host referred to “the monkey.” In the private universities, the verbal currency of the children of the well-off is often racist abuse of those whose shacks are just visible through the pollution.)

But you might think all media in Venezuela is government run if you only listen to our main stream media and the war lords wanting to invade the country. Another false narrative Abby Martin has debunked also.

(In her 95 years, Mavis Mendez had seen a parade of governments, mostly vassals of Washington, preside over the theft of billions of dollars in oil spoils, much of it flown to Miami. “We didn’t matter in a human sense,” she told me. “We lived and died without real education and running water, and food we couldn’t afford. When we fell ill, the weakest died. Now I can read and write my name and so much more; and whatever the rich and the media say, we have planted the seeds of true democracy and I have the joy of seeing it happen.)

This is what the opposition, private sector, and war lords of the westernized world want to return Venezuela too!

William_Mary 8 Feb 23
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