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One Little Video Shows How Democrats Are Trying and Failing to Control Restive Progressives


(When Jennifer Albrecht redirected Currie Dobson’s question, sounding so reminiscent of the head of the DNC Tom Perez, she inadvertently revealed how important it is to the managers of the Democratic Party—and that importance has been communicated from the top all the way down to the local level—that their rigging of the 2016 Democratic Primary not be discussed.)

There we have it. As I have been addressing for so long, the democratic party with the help of Tulsi Gabbard, have publicly showed that the 2016 primary election cycle rigging will not be allowed to be discussed. It is the sworn duty of these politicians, especially that of Sanders, for his then supporters, who should be at the front calling out that injustice! Democracy down!

But instead we're getting-----In light of the 2016 election fraud, the smears directed at Sanders originating from within the party’s managerial structure, and the continuation of those smears with the additional target of Tulsi Gabbard—all of which represent remarkably public acts of inter-party warfare—it is not too difficult to see that Democratic Party calls for unity are not genuine, and certainly not what they appear to be on the surface. They are code. They are, in fact, calls for obedience. And party managers want that obedience from progressive-minded candidates like Sanders and Gabbard, as well as from voters who support their work.

The silence from these 2 and the rest of the party is blatant proof that they are merely players in the game in which they are every bit as disgusting as the game is that is being played on voters. What makes us as disgusting is the last part of that last sentence----(as well as from voters who support their work) for there are indeed voters who will support this mockery of a fake electoral process in the name of tribal politics and stardom politicians within a blissful ignorance.

And for those that still think the world of Sanders and Gabbard, despite all the talk they do about being progressives for you, they're playing you for fools to keep you in a party they know will not be fair for you. If they were there for you they'd be running as independents and speaking out about how both parties are corrupt! Rather than allow themselves to be used.

William_Mary 8 May 19
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All independent candidates do is put the party in office they really hate, every time. If one did win, they would have a Congress made up of two parties who will not support them because they are not one of their own. It might work someday, but not now.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 19, 2019

With all due respect, I totally disagree. "It might work someday, but not now" That day is when people walk away from the rhetoric of the managed perception that keeps them thinking like that. That is simply a statement that has in repetitive mode been forced on the population for public conditioning. And it could simply be the day when enough people walk away from that conditioning in mass effort to support a certain person or an independent candidate or 3rd party. They can't beat numbers without blatant corruption. As the democratic party did in 2016 to those of us who took Sanders to the top on only grassroots efforts, via social media and public donations. In 2016 we set the highest standard of blowing that very conditioned propaganda out of the asses of the political criminals. And they had to commit voter fraud and tampering from Iowa to California to win, use the main stream media against us, then use a false narrative to cover it up. And by continuing to support them in their game only gives them reason to continue. You've caved into their game and don't have the fight in you? Not even for your family who come after you? Willing to allow them to become future victims of the ruling class as you see their capitalism falling apart around you? It will only become worse for them!

@William_Mary Disagree if you want, facts are facts. I haven't caved to anything. Bernie lost because he could not get the black vote that is fact. Bernie is not attracting black voters this time either. That is fact. If you don't win the black vote you don't win in the primaries and certainly not in a general election. Another fact. Obama did the grass roots thing before Bernie. Keep up that line of thinking and enjoy four more years of Trump. I will vote for the Democrat no matter who it is. I always have and always will.

@Sticks48 maybe Joe can use that deception also as Obama's groups get behind him. []

To compare what we did for Sanders as to what Obama had is ludicrous! An insult to true grassroots efforts. Facts? I provided a decent case towards what facts could be. You simply wish to excuse the possibilities for some reason. I think I also provided the answer to that to. But I'll respectfully allow you time to discover that on your own.

@William_Mary Obama did do the grassroots route and won. Bernie didn't. I like Bernie, but if he can't get the black vote he can't win. That is fact. A third party candidate has only gotten into double digits (barely) in a national election once, and that was Perot. An independent cannot win. If Bernie thought he could win as an independent he would run as an independent. He is a registered independent. He knows he can't win as an independent. This is not assumption, this is fact. This is about getting rid of Trump period. The silly infighting that goes on in the Democratic party is like high school. They had better get over it or we will have four more years of Trump.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

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