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How the West’s War in Libya Spurred Terrorism in 14 Countries

The first to suffer was Syria and since then the gruesome effects have been spreading in the region and beyond, to Africans and Europeans, writes Mark Curtis.


As the article mentions "Islamic State, although now nearly defeated in Syria and Iraq, is far from dead." I would remind our members and attempt to spread some knowledge to new members they might not know. As this defeat was reaching the last stages in Syria some few to several hundred top commanders of the various terrorist groups in that country, along with White Helmets, were moved to Jordon then transfered throughout at least 4 known countries. The UK, Germany, Canada, and the US. If your information on the White Helmets is that of only our MSM, I will warn you their coverage of them was a false narrative. They actually worked with the terrorist and were terrorist in various aspects. Indications range from 400 to nearly a thousand were evacuated from Syria as the last strong hold was about to be taken by the Syrian government. They now live amongst us in society.

William_Mary 8 May 21
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